«XL Kaos Looper» by axl99
on 29 Nov'11 22:32 inAn 'all-in-one' live looping synth with the ability to switch between the regular loop player and one that loops smaller fractions of the loop. Inspired by the Korg Kaoss Pad looper.
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( SynthDef('kaoslooper', {arg in=0, out=0, buf, gate=1, t_rec=0, t_reset=1, t_chop=0, plvl=1, switch=0, frombeat=0, grainsize=1, numbeats=4, numsubcycles=4, amp=1.0, wet=0.5; var dry, loopgate, time, grainlength, grainframes, subcycles, cycles, grains, trigcounter, grainstart, grainend, rlvl, xfade, playenv, prelevelenv, env, player, phase, grainer, fx; // controls loopgate and rlvl trigcounter = PulseCount.kr(t_rec, t_reset); // for the fader and for loopbuf as a trigger xfade = Lag.kr(switch.linlin(0, 1, -1, 1), 0.1); // audio input. dry = SoundIn.ar(in ! 2, 2); // loopgate is opened when closing the loop and reset by t_reset loopgate = trigcounter > 1; playenv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.05, 1.0, 0.05), loopgate); env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.04, 1, 0.04), gate, doneAction:2); prelevelenv = 1 - EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1, 1, 0.1), t_chop); // controls writing into buffer rlvl = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.05, 1.0, 0.05), trigcounter % 2); // outputs the length of the loop. reset by loopgate (which becomes one on first rec trig and is 1 until reset) time = Latch.kr(Timer.kr(t_rec), loopgate); // length of smallest subdivision (default 16) of loop length grainlength = time / (numbeats * numsubcycles); grainframes = (grainlength * SampleRate.ir).round(1); // make new grain starts and lengths derived from grainsize and frombeat grainstart = grainframes * frombeat * numsubcycles; grainend = grainstart + (grainframes * grainsize); // triggers on every subcycle subcycles = TDuty.kr(grainlength, loopgate, 1) * loopgate; // triggers at each loop cycle beginning + extra trigger at start of first recording cycles = Trig.kr(PulseCount.kr(subcycles, t_reset) % (numbeats * numsubcycles), 0.01) + Trig.kr(trigcounter, 0.01); // triggers on every grain (subcycles retriggers?!) grains = TDuty.kr(grainlength * grainsize, switch, 1); // players and recorder player = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, BufRateScale.kr(buf), cycles, loop:1); //grainer is a BufRd triggered by grains phase = Phasor.ar(grains, 1, grainstart, grainend, grainstart); grainer = BufRd.ar(2, buf, phase); RecordBuf.ar(dry <! player, buf, recLevel: rlvl, preLevel:plvl, loop:1, trigger: cycles); fx = LinXFade2.ar(player, grainer, xfade, playenv); // output fader between player and grainer Out.ar(out, XFade2.ar(dry, fx, wet * 2 - 1 ) * env * amp); }).add; ) // allocate buffer. Your loops should be shorter than the buffer b = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate * 16, 2) // start synth l = Synth('kaoslooper', ['in', 0, 'buf', b]) // start recording first loop l.set(\t_rec, 1) // stop recording, start looping l.set(\t_rec, 1) // switch to stutter thingy l.set(\switch, 1) // default is 4 beats with 4 subcycles each // start from beat 1 l.set(\frombeat, 1) // go back to beat 0 l.set(\frombeat, 1) // change number of repeated subcycles l.set(\grainsize, 2) // switch back to regular loop l.set(\switch, 0) // overdub l.set(\t_trig, 1) // stop overdubbing l.set(\t_trig, 1) // reset if you want to record a new loop l.set(\t_reset, 1) b.zero //The End, clean up l.release b.free
edit 2019: fixed bugs and made a SynthDef out of it.
This is great, thanks, but… it always overdubs? l.set(\t_trig, 1) does not do anything, there is no argument called t_trig?