SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: snake
code content
( //cmd-enter to run, esc to close var height=20, width=30, body = (1..6), size = body.size, grow_inc = 2, //get 1 food = +2 size framerate = 16, dir = \east, //keycodes for left/right/down/up keycodes = \osx, {[123,124,125,126]}, \linux, {[65361,65363,65364,65362]}, \windows, {[37,39,40,38]} ); //snake + board are represented as 2D array, //0 = empty space //positive integers = snake body, value represents //number of frames until snake segment disappears //e.g. 6-segment snake heading east looks like: // [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0] var board = (0!(height*width)).clump(width); //current position of snake "head" var pos = round(height/2) @ (size + 1); //amount/direction to shift on each frame var shift = 0 @ 1; //for creating snake food var foodpos, foodcolor, tryfoodpos; //gui var win, u, deadbox; //functions that handle snake crash and food generation var crash, makefood; Window.closeAll; makefood = { //colorful snacks foodcolor = Color.rand(0.25,1.0); foodpos = nil; //make sure food isn't placed on snake body while( {foodpos == nil}, { tryfoodpos = rand(height) @ rand(width); if( //food generation only successful if blank space is chosen board[tryfoodpos.x][tryfoodpos.y] == 0, {foodpos = tryfoodpos.copy} ); } ); }; win ="snake", Rect( Window.screenBounds.width/2-(width*10), Window.screenBounds.height/2-(height*10), width*20,height*20 ), false, false) .alwaysOnTop_(true); u = UserView(win, win.view.bounds) .background_(Color.gray(0.1)); //game over & score box, only visible when you crash //(score = snake body size) deadbox = StaticText(win, Rect( win.bounds.width/2 - 50, win.bounds.height/2 - 20, 100, 40 )) .visible_(false) .background_( .stringColor_(Color.gray(0.8)) .align_(\center); //when crash, stop animation and display game over & score crash = { u.animate_(false); deadbox .string_("you died\nscore: "++size) .visible_(true); }; //place snake body integers on 2D array{ arg n,i; board[round(height/2)].put(2+i,n); }); //generate a food location makefood.(); //game animation handled by userview drawfunc u.drawFunc_({ //decrement board, lower bound at zero board = (board - 1).max(0); //adjust shift based on movement direction case {dir == \east} {shift = 0 @ 1} {dir == \west} {shift = 0 @ -1} {dir == \north} {shift = -1 @ 0} {dir == \south} {shift = 1 @ 0} {true} {nil}; //new target position for snake head pos = pos + shift; if( //check for boundary collision, crash if so (pos.y >= width) || (pos.y < 0) || (pos.x >= height) || (pos.x < 0), crash, { //if no boundary crash, check for self-collision, crash if so if( (board[pos.x][pos.y] > 0), crash, //if no collision, place snake head on board {board[pos.x][pos.y] = size} ); } ); //check if food was acquired if( pos == foodpos, { //get bigger size = size + grow_inc; board = board.deepCollect(2, { arg n; if (n!=0, {n + grow_inc}, {0}) }); //generate new food makefood.(); } ); //draw next frame{ arg row, j;{ arg val, i; Pen.fillColor_(Color.gray( //positive numbers are light gray (snake body) //0s are dark grey (game board background) (val>0).asInteger*0.6+0.1 )); Pen.addRect(Rect(i*20, j*20, 20, 20)); Pen.fill; }); }); //draw food Pen.fillColor_(foodcolor); Pen.addRect(Rect(foodpos.y*20,foodpos.x*20, 20, 20)); Pen.fill; }); //userview updates snake direction in response to arrow keys u.keyDownAction_({ arg view, char, mod, uni, keycode; case {keycode == keycodes[0]} {dir = \west} {keycode == keycodes[1]} {dir = \east} {keycode == keycodes[2]} {dir = \south} {keycode == keycodes[3]} {dir = \north} {uni == 27} {u.animate_(false); win.close} {true} {nil}; }); //set framerate and start game u.frameRate_(framerate); u.animate_(true); win.front; )
code description
a SuperCollider recreation of the the arcade game "snake"
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