SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: Bjorklund Toy
code content
//Bjorklund Pluck Toy //Step1: ( s.options.memSize_(65536 * 4); s.reboot; s.freeAll; Pdef.removeAll; ) //Step2: ( ~bpm = 110; t = ~bpm/60; t =; ~whiteNotes = [// white notes index 0 to 28 36,38,40,41,43,45,47, 48,50,52,53,55,57,59, 60,62,64,65,67,69,71, 72,74,76,77,79,81,83, 84]; ~revBus =,2); ~makeSynths.value; ~onChordType = 2; ~onChordStartIndex = 14; ~onChordNumNotes = 4; ~onChord = ~newChordByType.value(~onChordType,~onChordStartIndex,~onChordNumNotes); ~onPattern = 0; //a chord ~switchPattern.value("on"); ~offChordType = 3; ~offChordStartIndex = 6; ~offChordNumNotes = 4; ~offChord = ~newChordByType.value(~offChordType,~offChordStartIndex,~offChordNumNotes); ~offPattern = 1; //seq up ~switchPattern.value("off"); ~makePBjorklundControlPanel.value; //and wait till the button gets pressed // functions ~makeSynths = { SynthDef("plucking", { arg outbus = 0, amp = 0.2, sAmp=0.5, freq = 440, pluckDecay = 5, coef = 0.1, pan = 0, atk = 0.01, sus = 0.05, rel = 0.5, trigger = 0, dynamic = 0.5; var env =,sus,rel,level:1, curve:1),doneAction:2); var snd = in:, trig:, maxdelaytime: 0.005, delaytime: freq.reciprocal, decaytime: pluckDecay, coef: coef ); snd =; snd = (snd, pan);, snd * env * sAmp);, snd * env * dynamic); }).add; SynthDef(\aJPverb, { arg inBus=0, outBus = 0, tailTime = 1, damp = 0.25, pan=0, size = 1.0, eDiff= 0.707, mDepth= 0.1, mFreq= 2.0, low= 1.0, mid= 1.0, high= 1.0, lowcut= 500.0, highcut= 2000.0, //jpVol = 0.5, straightOutVol = 0.75; var sig, rev; sig =,2); rev = sig, t60: tailTime, damp: damp, size: size, earlyDiff: eDiff, modDepth: mDepth, modFreq: mFreq, low: low, mid: mid, high: high, lowcut: lowcut, highcut: highcut, );, rev * straightOutVol); }).add; //Pdefn's for riff1 Pdefn(\hits, 5); Pdefn(\beats, 8); Pdefn(\onPattern,~onPattern); Pdefn(\offPattern,~offPattern); PLbindef(\riff1, \instrument, \plucking, \outbus, ~revBus, \trigger, 0, \midinote, Pbjorklund( Pdefn(\hits),Pdefn(\beats)).linlin(0, 1, Pdefn(\offPattern), Pdefn(\onPattern)), \dur, 0.5, \coef, 0.75, \pluckDecay, 5, \atk, 0.01, \amp, 1, \sAmp, 0.5, \pan, Pbjorklund(Pdefn(\hits), Pdefn(\beats)).linlin(0, 1, -1,1), \dynamic, 0.25, \addAction, 0, ); }; //~makePBjorklundControlPanel.value ~makePBjorklundControlPanel = { var hits=5, hitsNumBox = hits, beats=8, beatsNumBox = beats, numNotesInOnChord=4,numNotesInOnChordBox=4, numNotesInOffChord=4,numNotesInOffChordBox=4, bpmNumBox, startOnI=14, startOffI=14,endOnI=28, endOffI=28, riffTone=0.1, panLeft= -1, panRight=1, blank, // a blank line used for spacing label, knob, button, numBox,popUpMenu,slider,rangeSlider, //standard gui objects startOnIBox,endOnIBox,startOffIBox,endOffIBox, //gui objects that get written to startOnNBox,endOnNBox,startOffNBox,endOffNBox, startOnN, startOffN,endOnN, endOffN; //window w = Window("Control Panel",,300,502,235),resizable:true, border:true) .background_(Color.grey(0.05)).front .alwaysOnTop = true; w.view.decorator_(FlowLayout(w.bounds,4@4, 4@4)); ~topPanel = UserView(w, 494@45).background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.9)); ~topPanel.decorator_(FlowLayout(~topPanel.bounds, 4@4, 4@4)); ~subPanel= Array.fill(4, { arg view; view = UserView(w, 120@180).background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.9)); view.decorator_(FlowLayout(view.bounds, 4@4, 4@4)); }); //Start Stop Button button = Button(~topPanel, Rect(0,0, 100, 38)) .font_(Font("Monaco", 16)) .states_([ ["Press to Stop",,], ["Press to Run",,]]) .value_(1) .action_({ arg bu; if ( bu.value == 1, {~riff1.stop;; }, {; ~jpRev = Synth (\aJPverb,[\inbus, ~revBus, \outbus, 0, \damp, 0.05, \tailTime, 3,\straightOutVol, 0.75]).run; } ); }); blank = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,20,5)).string_(" "); //Hits Beats and BPM knobs knob =, Rect(0, 0, 30, 30)) .value_(hits.linlin(1,20,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; hitsNumBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,1,32).asInteger); }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; hits = val.value.linlin(0,1,1,32).asInteger; if (hits > beats, {hits = beats; ("can't have more hits than beats! Hits and Beats now " + hits + " " +beats).postln; }); Pdefn(\hits, hits); }); label = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_("Hits") .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); hitsNumBox = NumberBox(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,25,25)) .value_(hits) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); blank = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,20,5)).string_(" "); knob =, Rect(0, 0, 30, 30)) .value_(beats.linlin(1,20,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; beatsNumBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,2,32).asInteger) }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; beats = val.value.linlin(0,1,2,32).asInteger; Pdefn(\beats, beats); }); label = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,35,25)) .string_("Beats") .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); beatsNumBox = NumberBox(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,25,25)) .value_(beats) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); blank = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,20,5)).string_(" "); //BPM knob knob =, Rect(0, 0, 30, 30)) .value_(~bpm.linlin(30,140,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({arg val; ~bpm = val.value.linlin(0,1,30,140).asInteger; bpmNumBox.value_(~bpm);}) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; ~bpm = val.value.linlin(0,1,30,140).asInteger; bpmNumBox.value_(~bpm); t.tempo = (~bpm/60); }); label = StaticText(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,30,25)) .string_("BPM") .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); //beats per minute numberbox bpmNumBox = NumberBox(~topPanel, Rect(0,0,30,25)) .value_(~bpm) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)) .decimals_(0); //On Pattern Type Selection blank = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,200,3)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,245,14)) .string_("On Pattern").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Monaco", 12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["play chord hit", "seq forward", "seq back", "random", "rest"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(0) .action_({ arg obj; ~onPattern = obj.value; ~switchPattern.value("on"); }); //type of chord blank = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,200,2)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,245,14)) .string_("Type of Chord").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Monaco", 12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["random white notes", "step white notes", "every 2nd white note", "every 3rd white note", "random chromatic", "chromatic", "major seconds", "minor thirds"]) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(2) .action_({ arg obj; ~onChordType = obj.value; ~onChord = ~newChordByType.value(~onChordType,~onChordStartIndex,~onChordNumNotes ); ~switchPattern.value("on"); }); // number of notes in the chord knob =[0], Rect(0, 0, 25, 25)) .value_(numNotesInOnChord.linlin(1,8,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; numNotesInOnChordBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,1,8).asInteger); }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; ~onChordNumNotes = val.value.linlin(0,1,1,8).asInteger; ~onChord = ~newChordByType.value(~onChordType,~onChordStartIndex ,~onChordNumNotes); ~switchPattern.value("on"); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_("# notes in chord").align_(\topLeft) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)); numNotesInOnChordBox = NumberBox(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,20,20)) .value_(numNotesInOnChord) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); blank = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,2,30)).string_(" "); //start index for the notes in the chord knob =[0], Rect(0, 0, 25, 25)) .value_(startOnI.linlin(0,28,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; startOnIBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger); startOnNBox.string_(~whiteNotes[val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger].midiname()) }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; ~onChordStartIndex = val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger; ~onChord = ~newChordByType.value(~onChordType,~onChordStartIndex ,~onChordNumNotes); ~switchPattern.value("on"); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_("start note").align_(\topLeft) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)); startOnIBox = NumberBox(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,20,20)) .value_(startOnI) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); startOnNBox = StaticText(~subPanel[0], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_(~whiteNotes[startOnI].midiname()) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); //Off Pattern Type Selection blank = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,200,3)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,245,14)) .string_("Off Pattern").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Monaco", 12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["play chord hit", "seq forward", "seq back", "random", "rest"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(1) .action_({ arg obj; ~offPattern = obj.value; ~switchPattern.value("off"); }); //type of chord blank = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,200,2)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,245,14)) .string_("Type of Chord").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Monaco", 12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["random white notes", "step white notes", "every 2nd white note", "every 3rd white note", "random chromatic", "chromatic", "major seconds", "minor thirds"]) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(2) .action_({ arg obj; ~offChordType = obj.value; ~offChord = ~newChordByType.value(~offChordType,~offChordStartIndex,~offChordNumNotes ); ~switchPattern.value("off"); }); // number of notes in the off chord knob =[1], Rect(0, 0, 25, 25)) .value_(numNotesInOffChord.linlin(1,8,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; numNotesInOffChordBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,1,8).asInteger); }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; ~offChordNumNotes = val.value.linlin(0,1,1,8).asInteger; ~offChord = ~newChordByType.value(~offChordType,~offChordStartIndex ,~offChordNumNotes); ~switchPattern.value("off"); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_("# notes in chord").align_(\topLeft) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)); numNotesInOffChordBox = NumberBox(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,20,20)) .value_(numNotesInOnChord) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); blank = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,2,30)).string_(" "); //start index for the notes in the off chord knob =[1], Rect(0, 0, 25, 25)) .value_(startOnI.linlin(0,28,0,1)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .action_({ arg val; startOffIBox.value_(val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger); startOffNBox.string_(~whiteNotes[val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger].midiname()) }) .mouseUpAction_({ arg val; ~offChordStartIndex = val.value.linlin(0,1,0,28).asInteger; ~offChord = ~newChordByType.value(~offChordType,~offChordStartIndex ,~offChordNumNotes); ~switchPattern.value("off"); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_("start note").align_(\topLeft) .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)); startOffIBox = NumberBox(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,20,20)) .value_(startOnI) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); startOffNBox = StaticText(~subPanel[1], Rect(0,0,25,25)) .string_(~whiteNotes[startOnI].midiname()) .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)); //Dynamics label = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,120,12)) .string_("Dynamics").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Arial",12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["loud, soft", "loud soft soft", "loud soft*3", "bjork(loud,soft)", "flat 0.5"," random"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(4) .action_({ arg obj; switch (obj.value, 0, {~riff1.dynamic = Pseq([0.65,0.45], inf)}, 1, {~riff1.dynamic = Pseq([0.65,Pseq([0.45],2)], inf)}, 2, {~riff1.dynamic = Pseq([0.65,Pseq([0.45],3)], inf)}, 3, {~riff1.dynamic = Pbjorklund(hits,beats).linlin(0, 1, 0.65, 0.45)}, 4, {~riff1.dynamic = 0.4}, 5, {~riff1.dynamic = Prand([0.75,0.65,0.55,0.45,0.35],inf)}, ); }); // Tone blank = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,200,5)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,120,12)) .string_("Tone pattern").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Arial",12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .items_(["hard + knob", "soft + knob", "rand + knob", "just knob"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(3) .action_({ arg obj; switch (obj.value, 0, {~riff1.coef = Prand([0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2], inf) +(riffTone/2) }, 1, {~riff1.coef = Prand([0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5], inf) +(riffTone/2)}, 2, {~riff1.coef = Prand([0.5,0.4,0.3,0.1,0], inf)+(riffTone/2)}, 3, {~riff1.coef = Pseq([riffTone],inf)} ); }); knob =[2], Rect(0, 0, 25, 25)) .color_([Color(0.8,0.4,0.4),Color(0.1,0.1,0.1),Color(1,1,1),Color(0,0,0)]) .value_(0.75) .action_({ arg val; riffTone = val.value; ~riff1.coef = val.value.linlin(0,1,0.01,0.99); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,70,25)) .string_("Tone") .font_(Font("Monaco", 10)); //Duration blank = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,200,5)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,120,12)) .string_("Duration pattern").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Arial",12)); popUpMenu= PopUpMenu (~subPanel[2], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["8th 16th 16th", "8th 16th 16th 16th", "bjork(8th,quarter)", "bjork(16th,8th)", "8th", "quarter", "quarter triplets", "triplets"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(4) .action_({ arg obj; switch (obj.value, 0, {~riff1.dur = Pseq([0.5,0.25,0.25], inf)}, 1, {~riff1.dur = Pseq([0.5,Pseq([0.25],3)], inf)}, 2, {~riff1.dur = Pbjorklund(hits,beats).linlin(0, 1, 0.5, 1)}, 3, {~riff1.dur = Pbjorklund(hits,beats).linlin(0, 1, 0.25, 0.5)}, 4, {~riff1.dur = 0.5}, 5, {~riff1.dur = 1}, 6, {~riff1.dur = Pseq([2/3],inf)}, 7, {~riff1.dur = Pseq([1/3],inf)}, ); }); //Pan blank = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,112,2)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,112,12)) .string_("Pan pattern").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Arial",12)); popUpMenu = PopUpMenu (~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,112,20)) .allowsReselection_(true) .items_(["fixed", "bounce", "random", "bjork bounce"]) .background_(Color.rand(0.6,0.9)) .value_(3) .action_({ arg obj; ~panPattern = obj.value; switch (~panPattern, 0, {~riff1.pan = Pseq([(panLeft+panRight)/2],inf);}, 1, {~riff1.pan = Pseq([panLeft,panRight],inf);}, 2, {~riff1.pan = Prand([panLeft,(panLeft+panRight)/2,panRight],inf);}, 3, {~riff1.pan = Pbjorklund(Pdefn(\hits), Pdefn(\beats)).linlin(0, 1, panLeft,panRight);} ); }); rangeSlider = RangeSlider(~subPanel[3], Rect(0, 0, 112, 14)) .lo_(0) .hi_(1) .activeLo_(0.25) .activeHi_(0.75) .action_({ arg slider; panLeft = slider.lo.linlin(0,1,-1,1); panRight = slider.hi.linlin(0,1,-1,1); switch (~panPattern, 0, {~riff1.pan = Pseq([(panLeft+panRight)/2],inf);}, 1, {~riff1.pan = Pseq([panLeft,panRight],inf);}, 2, {~riff1.pan = Prand([panLeft,(panLeft+panRight)/2,panRight],inf);}, 3, {~riff1.pan = Pbjorklund(Pdefn(\hits), Pdefn(\beats)).linlin(0, 1, panLeft,panRight);} ); }); // jp reverb blank = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,200,5)).string_(" "); label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,120,12)) .string_("JPVerb") .font_(Font("Arial",12)) .align_(\left); label= StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,40,10)) .string_("Damp") .font_(Font("Arial",10)) .align_(\left); slider = Slider(~subPanel[3],,20,60,14)) .background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.8)) .valueAction_(0.25) .action_({ arg obj; ~jpRev.set(\damp, obj.value.linlin(0,1, 0.000,0.99)); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,40,10)) .string_("Tail Time") .font_(Font("Arial",10)) .align_(\left); slider = Slider(~subPanel[3],,20,60,14)) .background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.8)) .value_(0.25) .valueAction_(0.25) .action_({ arg obj; ~jpRev.set(\tailTime, obj.value.linlin(0,1, 0.1,20)); }); //volume label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,120,12)) .string_("Volumes").align_(\left) .font_(Font("Arial",12)) .align_(\left); slider = Slider(~subPanel[3],,20,40,14)) .background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.8)) .valueAction_(0.5) .action_({ arg obj; obj.value; ~riff1.sAmp = obj.value.linlin(0,1, 0,1 ); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,50,10)) .string_("Riff Straight" ) .font_(Font("Arial",10)) .align_(\left); slider = Slider(~subPanel[3],,20,40,14)) .background_(Color.rand(0.7,0.8)) .valueAction_(0.85) .action_({ arg obj; ~jpRev.set(\straightOutVol, obj.value.linlin(0,1, 0,1 )); }); label = StaticText(~subPanel[3], Rect(0,0,50,10)) .string_("jpVerb riff") .font_(Font("Arial",10)) .align_(\left); }; ~newChordByType = { arg type, startIndex,numberOfNotes; var tempIndex,check,chord; chord = Array.fill(numberOfNotes, { Rest() }); {arg index = 0; switch (type, 0, {tempIndex = rrand(startIndex,28); check=0}, //white note random 1, {tempIndex = startIndex + index; check=0}, //white note mode 2, {tempIndex = startIndex + (index*2); check=0}, //white note chord 3, {tempIndex = startIndex +( index*3); check=0}, //white note wide chord 4, {tempIndex = rrand(startIndex+36,48); check=1}, //chromatic random 5, {tempIndex = startIndex+36 + index; check=1}, //chromatic scale 6, {tempIndex = startIndex+36 + (index*2); check=1}, //chromatic whole note check 7, {tempIndex = startIndex+36 +( index*3); check=1}, //chromatic minor thirds scale ); if (check == 0, {if (tempIndex > 28, {tempIndex = 28; "WARNING INDEX TOO BIG".postln;}); chord[index] = ~whiteNotes[tempIndex]; }, {if (tempIndex > 84, {tempIndex = 28; "WARNING INDEX TOO BIG".postln;}); chord[index] = tempIndex; }); }; ("new chord is " + chord).postln; chord; }; ~switchPattern = {arg onOrOff; if (onOrOff == "on", {switch (~onPattern, 0, {Pdefn(\onPattern, ~onChord)}, 1, {Pdefn(\onPattern, Pseq(~onChord,inf))}, 2, {Pdefn(\onPattern, Pseq(~onChord.reverse,inf))}, 3, {Pdefn(\onPattern, Prand(~onChord,inf))}, 4, {Pdefn(\onPattern, Pseq([Rest()],inf))}, )}, {switch (~offPattern, 0, {Pdefn(\offPattern, ~offChord)}, 1, {Pdefn(\offPattern, Pseq(~offChord,inf))}, 2, {Pdefn(\offPattern, Pseq(~offChord.reverse,inf))}, 3, {Pdefn(\offPattern, Prand(~offChord,inf))}, 4, {Pdefn(\offPattern, Pseq([Rest()],inf))}, )} ) }; )
code description
Toy built to facilitate experimenting with Bjourklund to step through two different 'chords'. The "onChord" is used in some way for each Bjorklund hit, and the "offChord" for all other times. The chords can be played as a chord or sequenced in some way. Chords can be generated with white notes only or all notes. In addition, there are controls to play with various related patterns All of the sounds are generated with the Pluck ugen, played through JPverb
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