«MIDI displayer/debugger» by peterk
on 26 Dec'19 13:58 inGet started using midi controllers with this script to easily output note on/off and continuous controller messages.
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// A simple script to help you get started with midi controllers // It will dump midi note on, off, and continuous control messages // initialize the midi client MIDIClient.init; // connect all the possible inputs MIDIIn.connectAll; // if we receive a midi on message, display some data about it including velocity, note number, channel, and source MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnFunc, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn, chan, src].postln; }); // same for note off MIDIdef.noteOff(\noteOffFunc, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [nn, chan, src].postln; }); // handle continuous control messages MIDIdef.cc(\ccFunc, { arg ccNum, chan; //print the num & chan [ccNum, chan].postln; });
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«Re: MIDI displayer/debugger» by anonymous (private)