SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: Using CCResponder Function to Use Midi Controller Slider to Generate and Control the Frequency of a SinOsc Frequency Variable
code content
( var freq, { c = CCResponder({ |src,chan,num,value| [src,chan,num,value].postln; test = (CCResponder[value]); }); c.learn; // wait for the first controller, 0, 0.5) }.play;
code description
I have only been using SuperCollider for a couple of weeks, and I am finding it rather tough, so please bear with me. I would like to use the argument 'value' (integer) from the function CCResponder to control the frequency of the frequency argument of SinOsc. I know I will need to declare a variable and manipulate the variable to the correct value to be used with freq. I am not sure how to access the 'value' argument of CCResponder and also how to convert it to a useable value to be used with SinOsc's freq. I know this is probably easy to do, but I am banging my head against a brick wall at the moment.
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