SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: wavetable interpolation drone
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( /* A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee: It was only after coding this example that I realized the UGens VOsc and VOsc3 are specifically designed for this wavetable interpolating/morphing function. But this code was still very fun to build. EF */ s.freeAll; Window.closeAll; Buffer.freeAll; /* Function for interpolating between two values based on an interpolation value: 0 ==> old, 1 ==> new, 0.5 ==> halfway between old/new, etc */ ~interpFn = { arg old=20, new=10, bal=0.5; old + ((new - old) * bal); }; /* three wacky envelopes, each converted to Signal format. each has 12 level points. the first and last value are always zero. the inner 10 points are random between -1 and +1. the internal functions normalize the levels so the highest value is always +/-1.0 */ ~wt0 = Env( [0]++ { var levs, peak; levs = {rrand(-1.0,1.0)}!10; peak = levs.abs.maxItem; levs = levs * peak.reciprocal; }.value ++ [0], {exprand(0.01,1)}!11, {exprand(0.1,4)}!11 ).asSignal(512); ~wt1 = Env( [0]++ { var levs, peak; levs = {rrand(-1.0,1.0)}!10; peak = levs.abs.maxItem; levs = levs * peak.reciprocal; }.value ++ [0], {exprand(0.01,1)}!11, {exprand(0.1,4)}!11 ).asSignal(512); ~wt2 = Env( [0]++ { var levs, peak; levs = {rrand(-1.0,1.0)}!10; peak = levs.abs.maxItem; levs = levs * peak.reciprocal; }.value ++ [0], {exprand(0.01,1)}!11, {exprand(0.1,4)}!11 ).asSignal(512); /* Signals that contain values representing interpolations between two wavetables. ~i0 interpolates between ~wt0 <==> ~wt1 ~i1 interpolates between ~wt1 <==> ~wt2 */ ~i0 = ~wt0.copy; ~i1 = ~wt2.copy; s.waitForBoot({ //load signals to buffers in wavetable format ~wt0Buf = Buffer.loadCollection(s, ~wt0.asWavetable); ~wt1Buf = Buffer.loadCollection(s, ~wt1.asWavetable); ~wt2Buf = Buffer.loadCollection(s, ~wt2.asWavetable); ~i0Buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1); ~i1Buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1); s.sync; ~i0Buf.setn(0, ~i0.asWavetable); ~i1Buf.setn(0, ~i1.asWavetable); s.sync; /* Create two Osc Synths, reading their wavetable data from ~i0Buf and ~i1Buf */ ~synths = [~i0Buf, ~i1Buf].collect{ arg buf, i; { /* detune=0 makes a much more boring sound, but also makes the wavetable interpolation more observable (evaluate s.scope and adjust the horizontal slider to watch the waveform) */ arg detune=0.15, freq=40, amp=0.1; var sig; sig = buf.bufnum, //frequency with random moving detune value (in semitones) freq *{Rand(0.08,0.15)}!8).bipolar(detune).midiratio, {Rand(0,2pi)}!8 ); //spread 8-channel detuned Osc texture across two channels sig =; //avoid funky DC bias sig =; sig = sig * amp; }.play(fadeTime:4); }; { arg min=0.2, max=1; var sig; sig =!2).exprange(min,max) ).unipolar(1); /* uncomment this line to control wavetable interpolation with horizontal mouse position instead of a noise generator */ //sig =!2;, '/mouse', sig); 0 }.play(target:h); s.sync; OSCdef(\mouse, { arg msg; /* when SendReply sends a value to the language, use that value as an interpolation parameter and update the wavetables from which the Osc UGen is reading */ //modify values ~i0.waveFill({ arg x, val, i; ~interpFn.(~wt0[i], ~wt1[i], msg[3]) }); ~i1.waveFill({ arg x, val, i; ~interpFn.(~wt1[i], ~wt2[i], msg[4]) }); //dynamically update Buffers ~i0Buf.setn(0, ~i0.asWavetable); ~i1Buf.setn(0, ~i1.asWavetable); }, '/mouse').permanent_(true); }) ) //watch: s.scope; /*(adjust horizontal slider on scope window as needed to stabilize waveform view) */ //change frequency\freq, 50)); //the two Synths can be changed independently ( ~synths[0].set(\freq, 60); ~synths[1].set(\freq, 106, \amp, 0.05); ) //fade out\gate, 0));
code description
A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee: It was only after coding this example that I realized the UGens VOsc and VOsc3 are specifically designed for this wavetable interpolating/morphing function. But this code was still very fun to build. EF
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