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Fork Code: SynthDEFaults - Patterns Examples
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//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\## //\\##//\\## //\\##//\\##//\\## //\\##//\\## SynthDEFaults //\\##//\\##//\\## //\\##//\\## Patterns Examples //\\##//\\##//\\## //\\##//\\## //\\##//\\##//\\## //\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\##//\\## /* - A Collection of Tradicional SynthDefs- //under GNU GPL 3 as per SuperCollider license //By Zé Craum SynthDefs at: Contribuitions, comments, advises, criticisms, etc are very welcome: zecraum at gmail com */ //--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//.. //--//.. Condesed Examples //--//.. //--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//.. //Pianos Synth(\piano_MDA) //Electric Pianos Synth(\Piano_rhodeySC) Synth(\everythingrhodes ) //Harpsichord Synth(\harpsichord_simple) Synth(\harpsichord_pluck) //Organ Synth(\organ_tonewheel0) Synth(\organ_tonewheel1) Synth(\organ_tonewheel2) Synth(\organ_tonewheel3) Synth(\organ_tonewheel4) Synth(\organ_donor) Synth(\organ_reed) //Woodwinds Synth(\flute_waveguide) //Strings Synth(\strings) Synth(\violin) //Percussion Synth(\kalimba) Synth(\marimba1) Synth(\bell_tubular) Synth(\glockenspiel) Synth(\xilophone) Synth(\marimba) Synth(\prayer_bell) //Drum Kits Synth(\snare909,[\mul,0.5,\velocity, rrand(0.5, 1.0)]); Synth(\neurosnare, [amp: 0.4]); Synth(\hihat) Synth(\snare) Synth(\kick) Synth(\kick1, [amp: 0.4]); Synth(\kick2, [amp: 0.4]); Synth(\kick3, [amp: 0.4]); Synth(\kick_808) Synth(\SOSkick) Synth(\SOSsnare) Synth(\SOShats) Synth(\SOStom) Synth(\kick_electro) Synth(\snare_electro) Synth(\hihat_electro) Synth(\clap_electro) //Others Synth(\blips1) Synth(\sawSynth) Synth(\noisy) ~voice =, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); // remember to free the buffer later. Synth(\sampler_PlayBuf, [\buf, ~voice]) Synth(\sine_simple) Synth(\sine_vintage) Synth(\prophet5pwmstrings) //--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//.. //--//.. Extended Examples //--//.. //--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//..//--//.. // // // // // // //// Pianos //// // // // // // // // Hanon exercise ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \piano_MDA, \octave, 3, \degree, Ppatlace([ Pseries(0, 1, 8), // first, third etc. notes Pseries(2, 1, 7) // second, fourth etc. notes ], inf), \legato, 1, \dur, 0.25 ).play; ) // // // // // // // // // //// Electric Pianos //// // // // // // // // // // ( Pbind( \instrument, \Piano_rhodeySC, \scale, Scale.mixolydian, \octave, 4, \root, 2, \legato, Pseq([0.9, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.6, 0.3], inf), \dur, Pseq([1 + (1/3), 1/3, 1/3, 1/7, 6/7, 5/6, 1/6, 1/2, 2/6, 1/6, 2 + 1/2, 1, 1/2], inf), \degree, Pseq([ [0, 2, 4], 2, 4, 7, 8, 7, 0, [1, 3, 6], 5, [1, 3, 6], Rest(), [-1, 1, 3], [1, 3, 5], [0, 2, 4], 2, 4, 8, 9, 7, 0, [1, 3, 6], 5, [1, 3, 6], Rest(), [-1, 1, 3], [1, 3, 5], ], inf), \mix, 0.2, \modIndex, 0.2, \lfoSpeed, 0.5, \lfoDepth, 0.4, \vel, Pgauss(0.8, 0.1, inf), \amp, 0.3 ).play(TempoClock(1.5)); ) ( Pfx( Pbind( \instrument,\everythingrhodes, \midinote,Pseq([12,8,7,0,[-12,4,12],[-12,4,12],[-12,4,12],[-11,5,12],[-11,5,12],[-9,7,12],7]+48,inf), \dur,Pseq([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1.5,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,0.5] ,inf), \cutoff,Pstutter(11,Pn(Pseries(500,500,4),inf)) ), \choruscompresseffect ).play ) // // // // // // // // //// Harpsichord //// // // // // // // // // Synth(\harpsichord_simple) ( Pbind( \instrument, \harpsichord_simple, \scale, Scale.harmonicMinor, \degree, Pseq([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [-7, -3, 0, 2, 4, 6], 7], inf), \amp, Pseq([Pn(0.1, 8), 0.06], inf), \dur, Pseq([0.3, Pn(0.1, 6), 1.3, 1], inf), \strum, 0.09 ).play ) ( Pbind(\instrument, \harpsichord_pluck, \degree, Phprand(-14, 14, 50), \scale, Scale.harmonicMinor, \dur, Pseq([Pseries(0.02 * 15, -0.02, 15).clip(0.01, 0.1*15), Pseries(0.01, 0.01, 15), ],1), \db, -10, \pan, Pseries(-1, 0.08, 30).clip(-1,1) , ).play; ) // // // // // // // // //// Organs //// // // // // // // // // ( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_tonewheel0, \dur, Prand([ 4, 8, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0.25,0.25, 0.25], inf)/3, \sus, 3.5 , \db, Pwhite(-20, -10), \mix, Pwhite(0.05, 0.15), \octave, 3, \degree, Pgauss(15, 5).round, \scale, Scale.harmonicMinor, \oct, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \nazard, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \blockFlute, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \tierce, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \larigot, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \sifflute, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), ).play; ) ( Pfx( Pfx( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_tonewheel1, \dur, Prand([ 4, 8, 2, 2, 1, 1], inf)/3, \sus, 2.5 , \amp, 0.1*(2**Pgauss(0, 0.1)), \mix, Pwhite(0.05, 0.15), \octave, 3, \degree, Pgauss(15, 5).round, \scale, Scale.melodicMinor, \oct, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \nazard, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \blockFlute, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \tierce, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \larigot, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), \sifflute, Pbrown(0.01, 1, 0.01), ), \choruscompresseffect ), \reverb ).play ) ( Pfx( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_tonewheel3, \dur, Pseq([0.3, 0.15, 0.15], inf)/0.9, \sus, 1.2, \amp, 0.1*(2**Pgauss(0, 0.1)), \mix, Pwhite(0.05, 0.15), \octave, 3, \degree, Prand((0..24), inf) ), \choruscompresseffect ).play; ) ( Pfx( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_tonewheel2, \dur, Pseq([0.3, 0.15, 0.15], inf)/0.9, \sus, 1.2, \amp, 0.1*(2**Pgauss(0, 0.1)), \mix, Pwhite(0.05, 0.15), \octave, 3, \degree, Prand((0..24), inf), \vrate, 5, ), \choruscompresseffect ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument,\organ_tonewheel4, \midinote,Pseq([48,50,52,60,64,67,58,72],inf), \dur,1.0, \rq,Pstutter(3,Pn(Pseries(0.75,-0.1,6),inf)), \lfowidth,Pstutter(7,Pn(Pseries(0.0,0.05,10),inf)), \cutoff,Pstutter(4,Pn(Pseries(2000,1000,4),inf)) ).play ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_donor, \sustain,0.9, \amp, 0.2, \midinote,Pn(Pshuf([[0,4,7],[-1,2,7],[-3,0,5],[-1,2,7],[2,5,9],[-5,-1,4]]+60),inf), \dur,Pn(Pshuf([2.0,2.0,4.0,2.0],1),inf), \lfowidth,Pn(Pseries(0.0,0.001,16),inf), \lforate,Pn(Pseries(1,0.25,16),inf), \rq,Pn(Pseries(0.3,-0.01,8),inf), \cutoff,Pn(Pseries(6000,200,9),inf) ).play ) // // // // // // // // //// Woodwinds //// // // // // // // // // ( Pbind( \instrument, \organ_reed, \amp, 0.1*(2**Pgauss(0, 0.1)), \dur, 5.0, \legato, 1, \root, 1, \attack, 0.2, \release, 0.2, \degree, Pseq([[-7, -3, 0, 2], [-7, -2, 0, 3], [-7, -1, 1, 4]].mirror1, inf) ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \flute_waveguide, \degree, Pseq([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], inf), \dur, Pwhite(0.5, 1), \amp, Pwhite(0.1, 0.4), \ipress, Pseq([Pn(0.9, 5), Pn(0.6, 5)], inf), \ibreath, Pseq([Pn(0.09, 10), Pn(0.01, 10)], inf) ) ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \waveguideFlute, \degree, Pbrown(-5, 14, 3), \dur, Pwrand([1/4, 1/8, 1/2], [0.7, 0.1 ,0.2], inf), \db, Pwhite(-23,-20 ), //\ipress, Pseq([Pn(0.9, 5), Pn(0.6, 5)], inf), \ibreath, Pbrown(0.09, 0.01, 0.005) ).play ) // // // // // // // // //// Strings //// // // // // // // // // (//Need to wait a bit Pbind( \instrument, \strings, \degree, Pseq([ Pn(\rest, 2), Pshuf([0, 2, 3, 5], 10), Pseq([\rest], { 9.rand }) ], inf) + Prand([0, 0, 0, [0, 3], [0, 1]], inf), \dur, Pseq([1, 2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5], inf) + (Prand([0.3, 0, 0.2], inf) * 0.1), \detune, Pseg(Pwhite(-2, 2, inf), 1.3) ).play ); ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \violin, \midinote, Prand( Scale.majorPentatonic.degrees, inf) + 60, \dur, 3, \legato, 1 ).play; ) // play a chord (farfisa-like sound) ( [60, 64, 67].do ({ | note | Synth(\violin, [\midinote, note]); }) ) // // // // // // // // //// Percussion //// // // // // // // // // ( Pbind( \instrument, \kalimba, \dur, Pseq([0.3, 0.15], inf), \amp, 0.1*(2**Pgauss(0, 0.1)), \mix, Pwhite(0.05, 0.15), \degree, Pseq([0, -3, [1, 4], 2, Rest(), 1, -3, -2, -4, -2, [0, 5], 1, Rest(), 0, -2, Rest()], inf) ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, "marimba1", \degree, Pwhite(-10, 10), \dur, Pwhite(0.2, 0.3), \db, Pwhite(-20, -25) ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \bell_tubular, \midinote, Prand( (60..72), inf), \dur, 1 ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \glockenspiel, \degree, Prand( (0..7), inf), \t60, 6, \dur, 0.25 ).play; ) // xilophone ( Pbind( \instrument, \xilophone, \degree, Prand( (-7..14), inf), \dur, 0.25 ).play; ) // marimba ( Pbind( \instrument, \marimba, \degree, Prand( (-7..14), inf), \dur, 0.12 ).play; ) ( Pdef(\bell_1, Pmono(\prayer_bell, \dur, Pseq([8, 20], inf), \freq, Pseq([2500, 500], inf), \amp, 0.5, \lag, 0, \trig, Pseq([0.1], inf) * Pwhite(0.5, 1, inf) * Pwrand([0, 1], [1, 5].normalizeSum, inf), \sing_switch, Pseq((0!4) ++ (1!4), inf) ) ); Pdef(\bell_2, Pmono(\prayer_bell, \dur, Pwhite(8, 20, inf), \trig, Pwhite(0.05, 0.09), \sing_switch, Pwrand([0, 1], [5, 3].normalizeSum, inf), \freq, Prand((240, 360 .. 2000), inf), \amp, 0.5 ) ); Pdef(\bell_3, Ppar([ Pmono(\prayer_bell, \freq, 100, \dur, 1, \trig, 0, \sing_switch, Pwrand([0, 1], [10, 3].normalizeSum, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.1, 0.5) ), Pmono(\prayer_bell, \freq, 200, \dur, 1, \trig, 0, \sing_switch, Pwrand([0, 1], [10, 3].normalizeSum, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.1, 0.5) ), Pmono(\prayer_bell, \freq, 300, \dur, 1, \trig, 0, \sing_switch, Pwrand([0, 1], [10, 3].normalizeSum, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.1, 0.5) ) ]) ); Pdef(\bell_1).play; Pdef(\bell_2).play; Pdef(\bell_3).play; //by wondersluyter // ) // // // // // // // // //// Drum Kits //// // // // // // // // // (//straight Ppar([ Pbind( \instrument, "hihat", \dur, Pseq([Rest(1/4), 1/4], inf), \ffreq, 9000, \rel, 0.1, \amp, 0.2 ), Pbind( \instrument, "kick", \dur, 1/2, \amp, 0.9, \rel, 0.12, \glissf, 0.99 ), Pbind( \instrument, "snare", \dur, Pseq([Rest(1/2), 1/2], inf), \amp, 0.25, \rel, 0.1 ) ]).play; ) (// a little bit groovy //Ppar does not need to be used always Pbind( \instrument, "hihat", \dur, Pseq([Rest(1/4), 1/8], inf), \att, 0.01, \rel, 0.1, \ffreq, 9000, \pan, 0, \amp, 0.3 ).play; Pbind( \instrument, "snare", \dur, Pseq([Rest(1/2), 1/2], inf), \att, 0.01, \rel, 0.1, \sinfreq, 180, \ffreq, 2000, \amp, 0.25 ).play; Pbind( \instrument, "kick", \dur, Pseq([1/2 + (1/4), 1/4], inf), \att, 0.01, \rel, 0.22, \sinfreq, 60, \glissf, 0.9, \amp, 1, ).play; ) (// "hard coded" samba //Ppar does not need to be used always Pbind( \instrument, \SOShats, \dur, Pseq([ 1/8, Rest(1/8)], inf), \freq, 8000, \sustain, 0.4, \db, -35, ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \SOSsnare, \dur, Pseq([1/4, Rest(1/2), 1/4], inf), \db, -35, ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \SOStom, \dur, Pseq([Rest(1), 1 ], inf), \db, -20, \freq, 120, ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \SOSkick, \dur, Pseq([1/2 + (1/4), 1/4], inf), \freq, 50, \db, -10, ).play; ) ( var base; base = Pbind(\amp, 0.3); Ppar([ Pbindf( base, \instrument, Pseq([\kick_electro, \snare_electro, \kick_electro, \kick_electro, \snare_electro], inf), \dur, Pseq([4, 3, 3, 2, 4], inf) ), Pbindf( base, \instrument, Pseq([Pn(\hihat_electro, 16), Pn(\clap_electro, 16)], inf), \dur, Pseq([Rest(2), 2, Rest(2), 2], inf) ) ]).play(TempoClock(2.3 * 4)); ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \kick_808, \dur, 1/2, \db, -10, \rel, 0.7, \dist, 0.1 ).play; ) Synth(\SOSkick); Synth(\SOSsnare); Synth(\SOShats); Synth(\SOStom); Synth(\kick_electro); Synth(\snare_electro); Synth(\hihat_electro); Synth(\clap_electro); // // // // // // // // //// Others //// // // // // // // // // ( Pbind( \instrument, \blips1, \degree, Pseq([Pn(Pwhite(-10, 10, 1), 12), Pn(Rest(),3) ],inf ), \dur, 1/4, \db, -21, \numharm, Pbrown(5, 40,1), \beatsPercentage, Pstutter(12, Pseq([1.001, 1.005, 1.1, 1.5, 2, 2.001, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 7,], inf)), \atk, 0.01, \rel, Pwhite(1/2, 1), \pan, Pwhite(-1, 1.0) ).play; //80's like synth //By Bruno Ruviaro // //Edits by Zé Craum ) ( Pbind( \instrument, "sawSynth", \midinote, Pseq([ [50, 53, 55, 57], [53, 56, 58, 60], Prand([ [56, 59, 61, 63], [49, 52, 54, 56], ], 1) ], inf ), \dur, Prand([1, 3, 4, 4.5], inf), \att, 0.1, \rel, Pkey(\dur) + 1, \hifreq, 5000, \amp, 0.2 ).play; Pbind( \instrument, "sawSynth", \midinote, Pseq([36, 32, 32, 37], inf), \dur, Pseq([1/4, 1/4, 1/2, Rest(3), 1/4], inf), \ctranspose, [0, -12], \att, 0.01, \rel, 0.2, \amp, 0.4, \lofreq, 100, \hifreq, 1000 ).play; ) ~voice =, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); // remember to free the buffer later. Synth(\sampler_PlayBuf, [\buf, ~voice, \rel, 14]); Synth(\sampler_PlayBuf, [\buf, ~voice, \rel, 14, \midiratio, 5]); ( Pbind(\instrument, \sampler_PlayBuf, \buf, ~voice.bufnum, \midiratio, 0, \pos, Pbrown(0.0, 1.0, 0.1, inf), \dur, Pwhite(0.07, 0.09, inf), \rel, 0.2, \amp, 1.0 ).play ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \sine_simple, \degree, Pwhite(0, 14), \detune, Pbrown(0, 50, 1), \atk, Pseq([Pn(0.001, 35),Pn(0.01, 20), Pn(0.1, 20)],inf), \sus, 0.2, \rel, 0.2, \db, Pwhite(-30, -20) , \dur, 0.1 ).play ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \sine_vintage, \degree, Pwhite(-7, 14), \atk, Pseq([Pn(0.001, 35),Pn(0.01, 20), Pn(0.1, 20)],inf), \vdepth, Pseq([Pn(0.0001, 75),Pn(0.01, 75), Pn(0.1, 75)],inf), \vrate, Pseq([Pn(10, 75),Pn(1, 75), Pn(0.1, 75)],inf), \sus, 0.2, \rel, 0.2, \db, Pwhite(-30, -20) , \dur, 0.1 ).play ) ( Pbind( \instrument, "noisy", \degree, Pseq([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -10, -5], inf), \dur, Pwhite(0.09, 0.15), \amp, Pwhite(0.05, 0.2) ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument,\prophet5pwmstrings, \midinote,Pseq([0,3,8,7,5,8,7,3]+48,inf), \dur,Pseq((0.5!8) ++ (0.25!8) ++ (2.0!8),inf), \lfowidth,Pn(Pseries(0.0,0.025,7),inf), \lforate,Pn(Pseries(2,1,11),inf), \rq,Pn(Pseries(0.9,-0.1,5),inf) ).play )
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Patterns examples using SynthDEFaults library
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