«Buffers & LFNoise1» by BROKENCODE//
on 07 Jun'17 21:13 ina simple BufRd with the starting point of lecture randomized by LFNoise1
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// you have to write the sample path in the firts line ~bufferdue = Buffer.read(s," WRITE YOUR SAMPLE PATH HERE ", bufnum:2); ( SynthDef.new(\bufbeat, { arg amp = 1, out = 0, buf, start, end, freq = 1; var sig, ptr; ptr = LFNoise1.ar(freq).range(0.0,end); sig = BufRd.ar(2, buf, ptr); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add ) x = Synth.new(\bufbeat, [\buf, ~bufferdue.bufnum, \start,0, \end, ~bufferdue.numFrames-1, \freq, 1, \amp, 0.5],g); x.free;
full graph
«Re: Buffers & LFNoise1» by mutedial (private)
If you want to change the start position without changing the playback rate, use PlayBuf with a trigger :
PlayBuf.ar(numChannels:2, bufnum:buf, rate:1, trigger:Impulse.ar(freq), startPos:ptr, loop:1)