«Close in Counters of the Fourth Mind» by melliott
on 14 Oct'16 19:30 inUtilizing some Ar's, Kr's, and Pbinds, we can find ourselves in a counter of the fourth mind.
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( SynthDef(\closeN, { |out=0, freq=440, gate=1| var son = BPF.ar(in: WhiteNoise.ar(20!2), freq: freq, rq: 0.005, mul: 1, ); var env = EnvGen.ar( Env.linen(0.1, 0.5, 0.55, 0.8, \welch), doneAction:2 ); son = FreeVerb2.ar(son, son, mix: 0.7, room: 1.0, damp: 0.3); Out.ar(out, son * env); }).add; ) ( a = { var saw, bpf; saw = Saw.ar( freq: [200, 250], mul: LFPulse.kr( freq: [2, 3], width: 0.15)); bpf = LPF.ar(in: saw, freq: SinOsc.kr(1/5).range(200, 4000)); bpf = FreeVerb2.ar(bpf, bpf, mix: 0.4, room: 0.7); Out.ar(0, bpf); }; s = { var saw, bpf; saw = Saw.ar( freq: [100, 150], mul: LFPulse.kr( freq: [1, 1.5], width: 0.15)); bpf = LPF.ar(in: saw, freq: SinOsc.kr(1/5).range(200, 4000)); bpf = FreeVerb2.ar(bpf, bpf, mix: 0.4, room: 0.7); Out.ar(0, bpf); }; d = { var saw, bpf; saw = Pulse.ar( freq: [800, 1000], mul: LFPulse.kr( freq: [1, 1.5], width: 0.15).range(0.0,0.7)); bpf = LPF.ar(in: saw, freq: SinOsc.kr(1/5).range(200, 4000)); bpf = FreeVerb2.ar(bpf, bpf, mix: 0.4, room: 0.7); Out.ar(0, bpf); }; f = Pbind( \instrument, \closeN, \freq, Pseq([800, 1000, 900, 400, 600], inf), \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 4], inf), \amp, 1); g = Pbind( \instrument, \closeN, \freq, Pseq([1000, 1150, 1200, 1500, 1200], inf), \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 4], inf), \amp, 0.5); { a.play; 3.75.wait; f.play(); 4.25.wait; s.play; 8.wait; d.play; 3.75.wait; g.play; }.fork; )