«Wobble» by gacastillo
on 15 Mar'16 15:48 inWobble, tremolo, whatever you want to call it. This code uses amplitude modulation with a triangle wave to produce a lower register pulsating synth.
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( SynthDef("Triangular AM", { arg freq = 440, modfreq = 5, amp = 0.5, attack = 0.01, release = 0.1, pos = 0, gate = 1; var carrier, modulator, env; modulator = SinOsc.kr(modfreq).range(0, 1); // provides amplitude modulation for wobble carrier = LFTri.ar(freq: freq, mul: modulator); // provides triangle wave for an interesting harmonic env = Env.asr( attackTime: attack, sustainLevel: amp, releaseTime: release).kr(doneAction: 2, gate: gate); carrier = carrier * env; Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(carrier, pos)) }).add; ) ( // Using these settings you can produce a pulsating wobble sound ~wobble = Pbind( \instrument, "Triangular AM", \scale, Scale.aeolian, \ctranspose, -12, \degree, Pseq([ [-7,-3, 0, 2, 4, 7], [-8, -4, -1, 1, 3, 6], [-9, -5, -2, 0, 2, 5], [-5, -1, 2, 4, 6, 9], [-4, 0, 3, 5, 7, 10], ], inf), \dur, Pseq([Pn(4, 3), 2, 2], inf), \amp, 0.4, \modfreq, Pseq([Pn(6.5, 3), 2, 6.5], inf), \attack, 2, \release, 1.2, \pos, [-1, -0.7, -0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 1], \gate, 0, ); ) ~wobble.play;