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Fork Code: expert sleepers ES-5 control code
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As I just got the ES3 and ES5. I post here some code to use the ES5 from expert sleepers with sc maybe its interesting for somebody. ( ~es5_control={|channel,device,gate| var shift=(2-device)*8;//to which device should the gate be shifted var val=1<<channel<<shift;//to which channel should the gate be shifted var on=if((0x800000&val)>0)//calculate the right float value {Float.from32Bits(val) / (Float.from32Bits(0x800000) * -1)} {Float.from32Bits(0xffffff&val) / Float.from32Bits(0x800000)}; if(gate>0,on,0);//output either the precalulated float or a 0 }; ) //simple function to switch on the gates Silence is necessary to create a Audio-Rate signal {,,0,1))}.play;//switch on first channel {,,0,1))}.play;//switch on fourth channel //contol gate 6 with a pulse oscilator {,~es5_control.(5,0,,0)))}.play; ( //test function for first adat channel {, (0..2).collect{|dev| //generate gates for all 3 devices per channel (1/Array.geom(8,1,2)).collect{|item,chan| //generate gates for all channels ~es5_control.(chan,dev,,0)) //use a LFPulse to control the gates }.sum}.sum) //summarise the different channels to send them to the first channel }.play; )
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