«MoaningDialogue Synth» by Manolis
on 17 Feb'15 01:17 inOne of the first synths I made. A frog-like sounding synth, with a dialogue between the left and the right channel. I've also notated some simple tweaks.
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a = Synth(\MoaningDialogue) //COOL TWEAKS //AngryTweak a.set(\feedback, 29,\freq, 6) //CalmTweak a.set(\feedback, 60, \freq, 0.8) //WeirdTweak a.set(\feedback, 2.8, \freq, 2) ( SynthDef(\MoaningDialogue, { |rateL = 0.2, rateR = 0.3, freq = 2, feedback = 50, mul = 1 , lpfreq = 2500| Out.ar(0, FreeVerb.ar( BLowPass.ar( SinOscFB.ar( LFDNoise1.kr([rateL, rateR], freq), feedback; , mul), lpfreq, 0.2 ), 0.3, 0.0 ) )} ).add )
This is REALLY cool! Thanks for posting-- yet another great example for me to learn from...