SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: Kaprekar
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/* Kaprekar Take any four-digit number except multiples of 1111. Sort the digits. Make numbers of the digits in ascending and in descending order. Repeat with the difference. After no more than 7 steps you will reach 6174, Kaprekar's Constant. If you use three-digit numbers, you will get 495 in no more than 6 steps. */ s.boot; ( //Synthdefs: sinewaves for numbers, with pan SynthDef( \numbers, {|freq=30, panpos|,, mul: 0.5*, 0.1, 0.01, 0.6), doneAction: 2)),panpos) ) }).add; //sawtooth for digits, filter associated with number of repetitions SynthDef( \digitsplayer, {|freq=30, cutoff|,, mul: 0.5*,0.75), doneAction: 2)), cutoff),0) ) }).add; ) ( var number, theNumber, greatest, smallest; var digits=Array.newClear(4); { g=0; //greatest number of repetitions for (1, 9998, { arg i; if ( i.mod(1111)!= 0, { number = i; number.postln; theNumber=number; //theNumber is used to be able to mess with the value while retaining the value of number if (theNumber < 150, {theNumber = theNumber + 150}); o=Synth( \numbers, [freq: theNumber/5, panpos: 0]); 0.1.wait; a=0; //number of repetitions while ( {number != 6174}, { digits.put(0, number.mod(10)); //isolate digits number=number.div(10); digits.put(1, number.mod(10)); number=number.div(10); digits.put(2, number.mod(10)); number=number.div(10); digits.put(3, number.mod(10)); digits.sort; //sort digits //digits.postln; greatest=(1000*digits[3])+(100*digits[2])+(10 * digits[1]) + digits[0];; " ".post; smallest=digits[3] + (10*digits[2])+(100*digits[1])+(1000*digits[0]);; " ".post; //(digits.mirror2+60).postln; //play the digits Pbind( \instrument, \digitsplayer, \freq, Pseq(digits.mirror2+60).midicps, \cutoff, 500*(a+1), \dur, 0.1 ).play; 0.8.wait; //play greatest and smallest if (smallest < 150, {smallest = smallest + 150; greatest = greatest + 150}); o=Synth( \numbers, [freq: smallest/5, panpos: -1]); p=Synth( \numbers, [freq: greatest/5, panpos: 1]); 0.1.wait; number=greatest-smallest; theNumber=number; if (theNumber < 150, {theNumber = theNumber + 150}); o=Synth( \numbers, [freq: theNumber/5, panpos: 0]); number.postln; 0.1.wait; a=a+1; }); a.postln; if (a>g, {g=a}); }); }); g.postln; }.fork; )
code description
Kaprekar Take any four-digit number except multiples of 1111. Sort the digits. Make numbers of the digits in ascending and in descending order. Repeat with the difference. After no more than 7 steps you will reach 6174, Kaprekar's Constant. This makes for some fine music, lasting about 13 hours.
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