«Digital Bird sounds» by monodread
on 20 May'14 18:14 inI just rewrote one of autocsi's tweets and came out with this which sounds like a digital bird of some kind:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
( Ndef(\birdy, {arg freq=1500, amp=0.5, rate=10; var osc, son, convIn, rand; osc=LFCub; rand = LFNoise1.ar(rate); convIn=LinCongN.ar(rate); son = osc.ar(Convolution.ar(convIn,convIn)); freq = Latch.kr(rand.range(0,1).round(0.1), rand) * freq; freq = osc.ar(osc.ar(rand)*rand.range(0,10)).range(freq, freq*3); son = Formlet.ar(son, freq, convIn.abs*0.1, rand.abs); son = Normalizer.ar(son, 0.9, 0.1) * convIn.abs * LFPulse.kr(LFPulse.kr(rand.abs), 0, rand.abs); son = son + GVerb.ar(son, 99, 2, mul: rand.range(0,0.3)); son * amp }).play )