SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: Draw your waveform feat. silly pattern player
code content
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw your waveform! ( b = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024); // buffer, server side a = Array.fill(1024, { 256 }); // array, language side w = Window("Draw your waveform!", Rect(100, 100, 1024, 512)).front; u = UserView(w, w.view.bounds); // function that changes the array and the buffer, and makes some clipping f = { |x, y| x = x.clip(0, 1023); y = y.clip(0, 511); a[x] = y; b.set(x, (y / 512) * 2 - 1); }; // animate, to cope with the mouse changes u.background_(; u.animate_(true); u.drawFunc = { |u| Pen.strokeColor = Color.white; Pen.moveTo( Point(0, a[0]) ); a[1..].do{ |value, index| Pen.lineTo( Point(index+1, value) ) }; Pen.stroke; }; // call our function when the mouse is pressed or moved u.mouseDownAction = { |u, x, y, mod| f.(x, y) }; u.mouseMoveAction = { |u, x, y, mod| f.(x, y) }; // call some presets (1..6), spacebar clears. u.keyDownAction = { |u, char, mod| char.switch( $ , {{ |i| f.(i, 256) } }, // reset waveform $1, {{ |i| f.(i, 512.rand) } }, // random waveform $2, { Array.interpolation(1024, 0, 512).do{ |val, i| f.(i, val) } }, // linear ramp $3, { Array.fill(1024, { |i| sin(i/1024*2pi) * 256 + 256 }).do{ |val, i| f.(i, val) } }, // sinewave $4, { Array.fill(1024, { |i| (i/512).floor * 512 }).do{ |val, i| f.(i, val) } }, // squarewave $5, { Pbrown(0,512,16).asStream.nextN(1024).do{ |val, i| f.(i, val) } }, // brown pattern $6, { (Array.fill(1024, { |i| sin(i/1024*2pi) * 200 + 256 }) + Pbrown(0,32,8).asStream.nextN(1024)).do{ |val, i| f.(i, val) } }, // sinewave with brown ); }; // make a pattern player with a simple synth with COsc x = Pbind( \type, \set, \id, { |freq|, freq, 1))!2 * 0.5 }.play, \octave, 3, \scale, Scale.minorPentatonic, \degree, Pn(Plazy{Pseq(Pxrand((0..4),inf).asStream.nextN(4),4)}), \dur, 1/4 ).play; // clean up w.onClose_({; x.stop; }); )
code description
A short demonstration how to change values in a buffer from a GUI. Also some presets added, because the mouse precision is not very good if you intend to draw fast.
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