«Timpani» by alextiberiuskirk
on 23 Sep'13 21:44 in1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
// Ressonance ( SynthDef(\Synth3, {arg ress = 0, choose = 0; var klank, env; klank = Klank.ar(`[choose !12, {Rand(0.128,0.700)}!12],BrownNoise.ar(0.7)); klank = klank; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.07, ress), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, klank*env.dup*0.000128); }).add; ) //Attack ( SynthDef(\Synth4, {arg ress = 0, choose = 0; var klank, env; klank = Klank.ar(`[choose !12, {Rand(0.128,0.700)}!12],BrownNoise.ar(0.7)); klank = klank; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0, 1), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, klank*env.dup*0.00128); }).add; ) {21.do{x = [70,90,120].choose; y = rrand(0.1,7); Synth(\Synth3, [\ress, y, \choose, x]);Synth(\Synth4, [\choose, x]); y.wait;}}.fork;
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«Re: Timpani» by anonymous (private)
Nice sounds! By the way, don't know if it's necessary in this case, but in general the two Synth instructions should be enclosed in a s.bind{ ... } statement.