«Pan Sonic emulation - Katodivaihe - lahetys» by miguel.negrao
on 30 May'13 12:39 inTrying to get something similar to lahetys from the album Katodivaihe of Pan Sonic. Would love to see people tweak it to get it even closer !
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( { var a, b, c, d, n, e, f, out; a = Impulse.ar(8)*1.5; b = WhiteNoise.ar * Env([1.0,1.0,0.0],[0.01,0.01],\step).ar(0, Impulse.ar(1 )) ; b = FreeVerb.ar(b, 0.5, 0.4)*2.5; c = SinOsc.ar(40) * Env.perc(0.01,0.2).ar(0, TDuty.ar(Dseq([1/4,1/2,1/8,1/8],inf))); 5.do{ c = (c.distort + c)*0.75}; c = c * 1.5; d = LPF.ar(Saw.ar([20,47]).sum , XLine.ar(4000,200,0.5)) * Env.perc.ar(0, Impulse.ar(1/16)) * 0.5; d = (GVerb.ar( d , roomsize:10, revtime:6) * 200).clip(-1.0,1.0) * 0.3; n = 12; e = ( Saw.ar( 40*(1..n) * ({ LFNoise1.ar(0.1).range(1,1.01) } ! n) ) * ({ LFNoise1.ar(0.1).range(0.0,1.0) }!n)).sum * 10; e = CombC.ar(e, 0.1, 0.1, 4) + e; e = e.tanh * 0.3 * SinOsc.ar(0.05).range(0.5,1.0); e = e.dup; e = e * SinOsc.ar(0.03).range(0.2,1.0) * 0.5; f = Blip.ar(100) * Blip.ar(100) * Env([0.0,0.0,1.0],[8,8],[\step,\linear,\step]) .ar(0, Impulse.ar(1/16)) * 2 ; out = ((a + b + c + f) ! 2) + d + e; out = out * 0.2 }.play )
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«Re: Pan Sonic emulation - Katodivaihe - lahetys» by Don Smith (private)