SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: Drag and drop views that share data
code content
SharedDndData { var <value; *new { arg val; ^super.newCopyArgs(val) } value_ { arg val; value = val; this.changed(\value); } asString { ^value.asString; } } DndView : QDragView { var views; *new { arg parent, bounds, type = \both; var view =, bounds); view.onClose = { view.object.removeDependant(view) }; if (type === \source or: (type === \both)) { view.beginDragAction = { view.object }; }; if (type === \sink or: (type === \both)) { view.canReceiveDragHandler = true; view.receiveDragHandler = { view.object = View.currentDrag } }; ^view; } object_ { arg new_obj; object.removeDependant(this); object = new_obj; object.addDependant(this); this.string = object.asString; } value { ^this.object.value } value_ { arg new_val; if (this.object.isNil) { this.object = SharedDndData(new_val); }{ this.object.value = new_val; } } update { arg caller; if (caller === object) { this.string = this.object.asString } } }
code description
The DndView is a subclass of QDragView, implementing additional functionality. When a drag-and-drop is performed between two such views, setting one's value will update the other's as well. Use the 'value' method to get or set the value of a view. When creating a new instance of the view, you can pass in the 'type' argument, which can be \source, \sink, or \both, defining what will be the role of the view.
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