SuperCollider Code
Fork Code: OSC to MIDI converter (GUI)
code content
var window = Window("OSC to MIDI", Rect(200, 200, 690, 540), false).front; var layout = window.addFlowLayout((0@0),(0@0)); var font = Font("Monaco", 12), size1 = (200@20), size2 = (70@20), size3 = (20@20), midi, net, responders = (); var gui_addrlabel = StaticText(window, (50@20)).font_(font).string_("addr").align_(\center); var gui_addr = TextField(window, (150@20)).font_(font).align_(\center).string_("all").enabled_(false); // TODO! var gui_portlabel = StaticText(window, (50@20)).font_(font).string_("port").align_(\center); var gui_port = NumberBox(window, (75@20)).font_(font).value_(0).align_(\center).clipLo_(0).clipHi_(0).enabled_(false); // TODO! var gui_space = StaticText(window, (15@20)); var gui_midiinit = Button(window, (75@20)).states_([["INIT"], ["REFRESH"]]); var gui_devicelabel = StaticText(window, (50@20)).font_(font).string_("device").align_(\center); var gui_mididevices = PopUpMenu(window, (175@20)).items_(["-- init midi first --"]); gui_midiinit.action_({ |but| if(but.value == 1) { MIDIClient.init } { but.value_(1) }; gui_mididevices.items_(MIDIClient.destinations.collect{ |dest| }) }); gui_mididevices.action_({ |m| midi = MIDIOut(m.value) }); layout.nextLine; // labels StaticText(window, size1).font_(font).string_("msg").align_(\center); ["min", "max", "type", "chan", "num", "min", "max"].do{ |name| StaticText(window, size2).font_(font).string_(name).align_(\center) };{ |i| // 25 responders with conversion var cmd="/cmd"+/+i, inmin=0, inmax=1, type="control", chan=0, outmin=0, outmax=127, num=50+i; TextField(window, size1).font_(font).stringColor_({ |v| cmd = v.string; responders[i].cmdName = cmd }); NumberBox(window, size2).scroll_step_(0.01).step_(0.001).value_(inmin).align_(\center).stringColor_({ |v| inmin = v.value }); NumberBox(window, size2).scroll_step_(0.01).step_(0.001).value_(inmax).align_(\center).stringColor_({ |v| inmax = v.value }); PopUpMenu(window, size2).items_(["control"]).stringColor_(Color.yellow(0.8)).value_(0).action_({ |v| type = v.items[v.value].asSymbol }); NumberBox(window, size2).value_(chan).clipLo_(0).clipHi_(15).align_(\center).action_({ |v| chan = v.value }); NumberBox(window, size2).value_(num).clipLo_(0).clipHi_(127).align_(\center).action_({ |v| num = v.value }); NumberBox(window, size2).value_(outmin).clipLo_(0).clipHi_(127).align_(\center).stringColor_({ |v| outmin = v.value }); NumberBox(window, size2).value_(outmax).clipLo_(0).clipHi_(127).align_(\center).stringColor_({ |v| outmax = v.value}); responders[i] = OSCresponder(net, cmd, { |time, resp, msg, addr| var val = msg[1].linlin(inmin, inmax, outmin, outmax).round; [type, chan, num, val].postln; midi.perform(type, chan, num, val); }).add; };
code description
Code written in about 1 hour trying to emulate gui and behaviour of osculator. Ended up being just a OSC to MIDI CC converter... but it's open to other things. Feel free to enhance and complement, or even make a class for this (and a future Quark?) Goal was to use less than 100 lines. Turned up working with just 35 :)
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