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feedback with limiter

by LFSaw on 16 Apr'24 18:05 in feedback

Using the AGC2.1 limiter in a feedback context


by LFSaw on 26 Jan'24 04:03 in feedback composition reverb

Reverb study


by LFSaw on 26 Jan'24 02:35 in composition reverb

reverb study


by LFSaw on 21 Jan'24 23:50 in generative piece

A piece experimenting with the settling of 8-bit programs running in BetaBlocker (Dave Griffith & Till Bovermann, 2011).

freeze playback

by LFSaw on 03 Jul'23 10:31 in playback jit freeze efx

Explore options to freeze playback of a sound file (a) by playhead movement (b) by FFT freeze

NodeProxy PlayControl for parallel sounds

by LFSaw on 04 Aug'22 11:38 in jitlib recipe

NodeProxy rule to create parallel versions of the same sound definition.