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by smoge on 28 Sep'23 04:06 in

Buffer Plotter

by Dindoléon on 05 Jan'22 15:06 in gui synthesis utility plotter

This is a setup that allows you to plot a Synth() output, using a buffer. See .

luce : standalone synth and custom slider GUI demo

by Dindoléon on 18 Nov'18 11:54 in gui beginner slider module

luce is a standalone synth module driven by a custom 2D slider GUI. It is easy to integrate and to modify. It also serves the purpose of understanding

creating rhythms

by Fredrik Olofsson on 09 Oct'17 09:04 in markov chain euclidean permutations partitions

from the book 'Creating Rhythms' by Stefan Hollos & J. Richard Hollos ported from c to supercollider related class

reception: useful (1)

Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine

by nathan on 01 Feb'14 18:26 in sampler aleatoric

This piece is a demonstration of the Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine, a project I am working on to explore possible interfaces between human and non-hum