«farfisa organ like sound» by nicolaariutti
on 10 Jun'18 12:38 inTrying to procedurally synthetise a violin, I eventually came out with a "Farfisa" organ like sound. It can be used also as a flute!
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// define the violin-like sound synth ( SynthDef(\violin, { | midinote=60, gate=1, amp=0.25 | var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1, 1, 0.1), gate, doneAction:2); var sig = VarSaw.ar( midinote.midicps, width:LFNoise2.kr(1).range(0.2, 0.8)*SinOsc.kr(5, Rand(0.0, 1.0)).range(0.7,0.8))*0.25; sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; ) // play a chord (farfisa-like sound) ( [60, 64, 67].do ({ | note | Synth(\violin, [\midinote, note]); }) ) // play a single note (it seems also a flute!) x = Synth(\violin, [\midinote, 84]); x.set(\gate, 0); // stop the note // play some random notes ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \violin, \midinote, Prand( Scale.majorPentatonic.degrees, inf) + 60, \dur, 3, \legato, 1 ).play; )