«Xiongnu bells» by badnumbersmusic
on 10 Jun'17 09:17 inMakes a sort of melody out of detuned bell sounds.
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( w=1;h=0.5;q=0.25;e=0.125;t=0.33;u=0.34; c = TempoClock.default; m = ( chord: 0, scale: Scale([0,3,6,8,11,14,16],17), scaleChord: { |self,voicing| var notes = voicing + self.chord; Scale(self.scale.degrees.wrapAt(notes).sort, self.scale.pitchesPerOctave, self.scale.tuning); } ); b = if (b.isNil,(),b); f = if (f.isNil,(),f); ) c.tempo = 1.5; b.otey = Bus.audio(s,2); ( SynthDef(\clang, { |freq=200,amp=0.1,gate=1,out=0,pan=0,boost=2,tapCarFreq=200,tapModFreq=200, tapPmIndex = 3, tapRatio = 0.5, releaseTime=0.6| var audio, chimeEnv, chimeFreqEnv, tap, tapEnv; chimeEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1,0.8,0],[0.001,0.005,releaseTime],[0,-2,-2]), gate, amp, doneAction:2); chimeFreqEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env([1,1.3,1],[0.005,0.005],[2,-2]), gate); audio = (1..20).collect({ |num| var freqOffset, currentFreq, ampOffset, currentAmp; freqOffset = ((num * freq) % (num + 1)).linlin(0,num,0.95,1.05); ampOffset = ((num * freq) % (num + 2)).linlin(0,num+1,0.5,1) * TRand.kr(0.4,1.2,gate); currentFreq = num * freq * freqOffset * chimeFreqEnv; SinOsc.ar(currentFreq, 0, 0.1 * ampOffset); }); audio = Mix(audio) * chimeEnv; tapEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1.1,0],[0.001,0.25],[0,-2]), gate, amp); tap = PMOsc.ar(freq.linlin(200,550,131.4,131.2) * tapCarFreq, tapModFreq, tapPmIndex, SinOsc.ar(130), tapEnv); audio = XFade2.ar(audio, tap, tapRatio); audio = (audio * boost).tanh / boost; audio = LPF.ar(audio, (freq * 10).min(10000)); audio = Pan2.ar(audio,pan); Out.ar(out,audio); } ).add; SynthDef(\otey, { |in,out,gate=1| var audio,env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.cutoff(5), gate, doneAction:2); audio = In.ar(in,2); audio = OteySoundBoard.ar(audio); Out.ar(out,audio); } ).add; ) ( f.otey.free; f.otey = Synth(\otey, [\in, b.otey, \out, 0]); ) ( Pdef(\clang, Pbind( \instrument, \clang, \octave, 4, \scale,Pfunc({m.scaleChord([0,2,4,6])}), \offset, Pstutter(Pwhite(5,20,inf),Pbrown(0,6,3,inf)), \degree, Pstutter(Pwrand([1,Pwhite(2,20,1)],[100,1].normalizeSum,inf),Pseq([0,1,2],inf) + Pkey(\offset)), //\degree, Pseq([0,4],inf), [\dur,\ampScale,\type, \tapRatio], Pwrand([ Pseq([[q,0.1,\note, 0.2],[q,0.07,\note, 0.6]]), Pseq([[t/2,0.1,\note, 0.2],[t/2,0.05,\note, 0.8],[u/2,0.07,\note, 0.6]],Pwhite(1,3,1)), Pseq([[q/4,0.1,\note, 0.2],[q/4,0.1,\rest, 0.4],[q/4,0.03,\note, 0.7],[q/4,0.04,\note, 0.6]]) ],[10,1,3].normalizeSum,inf), \amp, Pkey(\ampScale) * 6 * Pgauss(1, 0.2,inf), \out,b.otey, \timingOffset, Pkey(\dur) * Pbrown(-0.1,0.1,0.04,inf), \tapCarFreq, 114, \tapModFreq, Pwhite(754,759,inf), \tapPmIndex, 1.9, \pan, Pkey(\degree).linlin(0,8,-0.8,0.5) + Pgauss(0,0.1,inf), \releaseTime, Pkey(\degree).linlin(0,8,0.8,0.6) ) ).play; ) Pdef(\clang).stop;