Change history of «beat grid»

α β date comment
16 Jul'14 01:57
16 Jul'14 02:38
17 Jul'14 19:51 tempo restore
18 Jul'14 03:33 fix
18 Jul'14 03:37 fix
18 Jul'14 03:45 one more fix )
19 Jul'14 14:49
19 Jul'14 15:33
20 Jul'14 00:34 convert to control rate
20 Jul'14 00:35
14 Aug'14 01:27 minor fix
14 Sep'14 15:39 allow .kr ugens in quantizer
14 Sep'14 16:15 kind of rewrite
14 Sep'14 16:41 minor fix
21 Sep'14 11:58
21 Sep'14 12:32
28 Sep'14 09:46 latency fix
28 Sep'14 09:47