«The Crawl» by Schemawound
on 16 Aug'12 17:26 inSchemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from http://waxenwings.bandcamp.com/album/se7en-seconds-in-hea7en/ Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at vimeo.com/47629281/ Blog post about this track: http://schemawound.tumblr.com/post/29553130142/se7en-seconds-in-hea7en-the-crawl
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/* Schemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from http://waxenwings.bandcamp.com/album/se7en-seconds-in-hea7en/ Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at vimeo.com/47629281/ Blog post about this track: http://schemawound.tumblr.com/post/29553130142/se7en-seconds-in-hea7en-the-crawl */ ( var seconds = 7; { SynthDef(\TheCrawl, {|seconds = 7| var env = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0.1, seconds - 0.2, 0.1), doneAction:2); var output = Mix( Pulse.ar( (400..550) * Line.ar(1, 2.5, seconds), * SinOsc.ar(0.2222) * SinOsc.ar(0.31) * SinOsc.ar(0.123).range(0.1, 0.9) ) ) * 0.1 * SinOsc.ar([300,150]) * env; output = ((output + CombL.ar(output, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) * 0.5) * 0.4).clip2(0.2); output = BMoog.ar(output, 5000); output = FreeVerb.ar(output, Line.ar(0, 1, seconds) , 1, 0); Out.ar(0, output); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\TheCrawl, [\seconds, seconds]); }.fork )