// title: instant nostalgia with wow and flutter // author: 56228375 // description: // add instant nostalgia to your music with a touch of wow and flutter // link for the sample: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qysrKqJ0S6Huub4mEKp2Gk8FJqq-gK1C/view?usp=sharing // (probably not a physically accurate emulation) // code: // read a soundfile ( s.waitForBoot({ SynthDef(\wowflutter_2chan, { arg bufnum, out = 0, wobble_rpm=33, wobble_amp=0.05, wobble_exp=39, flutter_amp=0.03, flutter_fixedfreq=6, flutter_variationfreq=2; var signed_wobble = wobble_amp*(SinOsc.kr(wobble_rpm/60)**wobble_exp); var wow = Select.kr(signed_wobble > 0, signed_wobble, 0); var flutter = flutter_amp*SinOsc.kr(flutter_fixedfreq+LFNoise2.kr(flutter_variationfreq)); var combined_defects = 1 + wow + flutter; var sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, bufnum, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum)*combined_defects, doneAction:Done.freeSelf); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; b = Buffer.read(s, "pianomusic.wav"); // link in code description, or use your own... s.sync; Synth(\wowflutter_2chan ,[ \bufnum, b.bufnum, \out, 0, \wobble_rpm, 33, \wobble_amp, 0.04, \wobble_exp, 11, // best an odd power, higher values produce sharper, smaller peak \flutter_amp, 0.02, \flutter_fixedfreq, 6, \flutter_variationfreq, 2 ]); }); )