// title: Turning real music into 8-bit music // author: codepool // description: // Migration from the old SourceForge wiki. // code: // By Dan Stowell // Someone asked me if it was possible to turn any MP3 automatically into 8-bit chiptune music. Well, yes and no... s.boot; ( SynthDef("help_mp3_01", { |bufnum = 0| var son, pitch, amp, wibble; son = DiskIn.ar(2, bufnum).mean; pitch = Tartini.kr(son)[0]; amp = Amplitude.ar(son); pitch = Median.kr(5, pitch); // smooth pitch = pitch.min(10000).max(10); // limit pitch = pitch.cpsmidi.round.midicps; // coerce wibble = Pulse.ar(pitch, 0.2, amp * 2); // resynthesise wibble = FreeVerb.ar(wibble, 0.3, 0.1, 0.9); // bit of reverb just to taste Out.ar(0, wibble.dup); }).memStore; ) // Choose your MP3... some will work well and most will work badly. // Oh and you'll need the MP3 Quark. m = MP3("../mp3s/Gimme A Pig Foot And A Bottle Of Beer.mp3"); m.start; b = Buffer.cueSoundFile(s, m.fifo, 0, 2); // Off we go: x = Synth("help_mp3_01", [\bufnum, b.bufnum], addAction:\addToTail); // Please remember to tidy up after yourself: x.free; b.close; b.free; m.finish; // More waffle plus a recorded example at // http://www.mcld.co.uk/blog/blog.php?235