// title: Quiz 4a #10 // author: IamSuperCollider // description: // Quiz 4a for MUSC 115, pp. 62-84 from Gentle Intro to SuperCollider. // code: //Version 1 //P(eace)Bind //If error messages could experience Nirvanna, it would sound like this. ( { Saw.ar( freq: SinOsc.kr([60, 63, 67, 70]).range(440,880), mul:LFNoise0.kr(freq: [0.25,1]).range(0,1), ) }.play ) //Version 2 //SuperCollider //Sometimes in life, you feel like you need to collide with things. ( { Pulse.ar( freq: SinOsc.kr([60, 63, 67, 70]).range(30,70), mul: LFPulse.kr(freq: [0.25,1]).range(0,1) ) }.play )