// title: Carousel // author: mjescobar // description: // Cool modulation synth and Pbind that gets a sound similar to that of a carousel at a carnival. Toy with the \dur and set to 1/2 and it gives a spookier run down sound or speed up 1/16 to get the sound of some one repeating "yayayaya". Reminiscent of Roller Coaster Tycoon // code: ( SynthDef("AM", { arg freq = 440, modfreq = 5, amp = 0.5, attack = 0.01, decay = 0.3, release = 0.1, pos = 0, gate = 1, phaserfreq = 0, phaserdepth = 0.3; var phaser, carrier, modulator, env; phaser = SinOsc.ar(freq: phaserfreq, mul: phaserdepth*modfreq, add: modfreq); modulator = SinOsc.ar(phaser).range(0, 1); carrier = SinOsc.ar(freq: freq, mul: modulator); env = Env.adsr( attackTime: attack, decayTime: decay, sustainLevel: 0.8, releaseTime: release).kr(doneAction: 2, gate: gate); carrier = carrier * env * amp; Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(carrier, pos)) }).add; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, "AM", \dur, 1/4, \degree, Pseq([0,3,5,7,5,3], inf), \ctranspose,Pseq([Pseq([0],24),Pseq([3],24),Pseq([5],24)],inf), \modfreq, 2000, // try higher numbers here \pmindex, Pwhite(2, 3), \amp, 0.3, \attack, 1, \release, Pwhite(0.1, 0.3), \pos,Pseq([Pseq([1],8),Pseq([1],8),Pseq([1],8),Pseq([1],8)],inf), ).play; )