// title: MCElectronique.sc // author: brianlheim // description: // MCElectronique.sc (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially, the main method .newDef() creates a string that, when .interpret'd, makes a new Synth consisting of a given number of UGens plugged into one another at random (although parameters are clipped within acceptable limits). Other parameters for .newDef() are explained in the comments. Note that while I've tried my best to avoid it, it's still possible to crash or overload the server. Of course, the larger the requested SynthDef, the greater the chance of this happening. Apart from just generating weird sounds, the output code can also be seen as a jumping-off point for further investigation or improvement. // // Sample usage: MCElectronique.newDef(100, 8).postln.interpret // // I get pretty good results with MCElectronique.newDef(80,8,0.8,0.6,0.3,0.2,true).postln.interpret // // Sample output: https://soundcloud.com/brian-heim-experimental/mcelectroniquesc-output-sampler // code: // MCElectronique.sc // Idea and code by Brian L Heim (2015) // Summary: a class that outputs randomly generated SynthDefs as strings. // Main method is .newDef() // Example usage: MCElectronique.newDef.postln.interpret; MCElectronique { classvar freq1, freq2, freq3, freq4, freq5, lag, <>dict, <>pureList, binopList; *new { ^super.new; } *init { freq1=[\freq, [1,44100],[200,1600]]; freq2 = [\freq, [1,44100], [22050,44100]]; freq3 = [\freq, [0.0,10.0], [0.0,1.5]]; freq4 = {[freq1, freq3].choose}; freq5 = [\freq, [1,10000], [1,10000]]; lag = [\lagTime, [0.0,1.0],[0.0,1.0]]; // dict is a dictionary mapping UGen classes to lists of their parameters. Each parameter is listed // with low and high bounds. NewDef interprets a single-value entry (like [\freq, 100]) as requiring a default // value. Any paramter can be replaced by a preexisting variable clipped/wrapped/folded to the high and low values. // in [\freq, [1,44100],[200,1600]], the first set of values are the clip range for a UGen input; the second // set of values is the range for random scalar generation. // Certain troublesome UGens like Compander and Limiter, are disabled here. Some chaotic UGens as well, since there // are just so many of them. dict = Dictionary[ AllpassC -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], AllpassL -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], AllpassN -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], Amplitude -> [\in, [\attackTime, [0.0,1],[0.001,0.1]],[\releaseTime,[0.0,1],[0.001,0.1]]], BAllPass -> [\in, [\freq,[1,1000],[1,10000]], [\rq, [0.0001,2],[0.1,0.8]]], BBandPass -> [\in, freq5, [\bw, [0.0001,2],[0.1,1.9]]], BBandStop -> [\in, [\freq, [100,44100],[100,44100]], [\bw, [0.01,2],[0.1,1.9]]], BHiPass -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.01,2],[0.1,0.8]]], BHiShelf -> [\in, freq5, [\rs, [0.01,2],[0.1,1.5]], [\db, [-12,12],[-6,6]]], BLowPass -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.01,2],[0.1,0.8]]], BLowShelf -> [\in, freq5, [\rs, [0.01,2],[0.1,1.5]], [\db, [-12,12],[-6,6]]], BPF -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.0001,2],[0.1,0.8]]], BPeakEQ -> [\in, freq5, [\rs, [0.0001,2],[0.1,1.5]], [\db, [-12,12],[-6,6]]], BRF -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.0001,2],[0.1,0.8]]], Ball -> [\in, [\g, [0.01, 10], [0.1,3]], [\damp, [0.0,1], [0.0,0.5]], [\friction, [0.0,1],[0.01,0.1]]], Blip -> [[\freq, [1,22000], [1,22000]], [\numharm, [1.0,200], [1.0,50]]], BrownNoise -> [], Changed -> [\in, [\threshold, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Clip -> [\in, [\lo, [0.0,1],[0.0,0.5]], [\hi, [0.0,1],[0.5,1]]], ClipNoise -> [], CoinGate -> [[\prob, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]],\in], CombC -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], CombL -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], CombN -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[0,1],[0.1,1]]], //Compander -> [\in, \in, [\thresh, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\slopeBelow, [0.0,5],[1.0,2]],[\slopeAbove,[0.0,5],[1.0,2]],[\clampTime,[0.0,1],[0.001,0.1]],[\relaxTime,[0.0,1],[0.001,0.5]]], //CompanderD -> [\in, \in, [\thresh, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\slopeBelow, [0.0,5],[1.0,2]],[\slopeAbove,[0.0,5],[1.0,2]],[\clampTime,[0.0,1],[0.001,0.1]],[\relaxTime,[0.0,1],[0.001,0.5]]], Crackle -> [[\chaosParam, [1.0,2.01],[1.0,2.01]]], CuspL -> [freq2,[\a,[0.8,1.2],[0.9,1.1]],[\b,[1.8,2.2],[1.9,2.1]],[\xi, 0]], CuspN -> [freq2,[\a,[0.8,1.2],[0.9,1.1]],[\b,[1.8,2.2],[1.9,2.1]],[\xi, 0]], Decay -> [\in, [\decayTime, [0,1],[0.001,1]]], Decay2 -> [\in, [\decayTime, [0,1],[0.001,1]]], Delay1 -> [\in], Delay2 -> [\in], DelayC -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]]], DelayL -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]]], DelayN -> [\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]]], Dust -> [[\density, [1.0,10000], [1.0,100]]], Dust2 -> [[\density, [1.0,10000], [1.0,100]]], FBSineC -> [freq1, [\im,[30,35],[32,33]], [\fb,[-1,1],[-0.5,0.5]],[\a,[1.0,1.2],[1.0,1.1]], [\c,[0.0,0.8],[0.0,0.6]], [\xi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]], [\yi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], FBSineL -> [freq1, [\im,[30,35],[32,33]], [\fb,[-1,1],[-0.5,0.5]], [\a,[1.0,1.2],[1.0,1.1]], [\c,[0.0,0.8],[0.0,0.6]], [\xi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]], [\yi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], FBSineN -> [freq1, [\im,[30,35],[32,33]], [\fb,[-1,1],[-0.5,0.5]], [\a,[1.0,1.2],[1.0,1.1]], [\c,[0.0,0.8],[0.0,0.6]], [\xi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]], [\yi,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Fold -> [\in, [\lo, [0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]],[\hi,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], Formant -> [freq1, freq1, freq1], Formlet -> [\in, freq1, [\attacktime, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\decaytime, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], FreeVerb -> [\in, [\mix, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]], [\room, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]], [\damp, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], FreqShift -> [\in, freq1, [\phase, [0.0,2pi],[0.0,2pi]]], Gate -> [\in, \in], GbmanL -> [freq2, [\xi, [-3.0,3], [-3.0,3]],[\yi, [-3.0,3],[-3.0,3]]], GbmanN -> [freq2, [\xi, [-3.0,3], [-3.0,3]],[\yi, [-3.0,3],[-3.0,3]]], Gendy1 -> [[\ampdist, 1],[\durdist,1],[\adparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\ddparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],freq1,freq2,[\ampscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\durscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\initCPs,12],[\knum,[1.0,12],[1.0,12]]], //Gendy2 -> [[\ampdist, 1],[\durdist,1],[\adparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\ddparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],freq1,freq2,[\ampscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\durscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\initCPs,12],[\knum,[1.0,12],[1.0,12]]], Gendy3 -> [[\ampdist, 1],[\durdist,1],[\adparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\ddparam,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],freq1,freq2,[\ampscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\durscale,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\initCPs,12],[\knum,[1.0,12],[1.0,12]]], GrayNoise -> [], HPF -> [\in, freq5], HPZ1 -> [\in], HPZ2 -> [\in], Hasher -> [\in], HenonC -> [freq2, [\a, [1.0,2],[1.1,1.5]], [\b, [0.1,1],[0.1,0.5]]], HenonL -> [freq2, [\a, [1.0,2],[1.1,1.5]], [\b, [0.1,1],[0.1,0.5]]], //HenonN -> [freq2, [\a, [1.0,2],[1.1,1.5]], [\b, [0.1,1],[0.1,0.5]]], Impulse -> [freq1,[\phase, [0.0, 2pi], [0.0, 2pi]]], InRange -> [\in, [\lo, [0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]],[\hi,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], //Integrator -> [\in, [\coef,[0.001,1],[0.001,1]]], LFClipNoise -> [freq4], LFCub -> [freq4], LFDClipNoise -> [freq4], LFDNoise0 -> [freq4], LFDNoise1 -> [freq4], LFDNoise3 -> [freq4], LFPar -> [freq4], LFPulse -> [freq4, [\iphase, 0], [\width, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], LFSaw -> [freq4], LFTri -> [freq4], LPF -> [\in, freq1], LPZ1 -> [\in], LPZ2 -> [\in], Lag -> [\in,lag], Lag2 -> [\in,lag], Lag2UD -> [\in,lag,lag], Lag3 -> [\in,lag], Lag3UD -> [\in,lag,lag], LagUD -> [\in,lag,lag], LastValue -> [\in, [\diff, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Latch -> [\in,\in], LatoocarfianC -> [freq2,[\a,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\b,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\c,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]],[\d,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]]], //LatoocarfianL -> [freq2,[\a,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\b,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\c,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]],[\d,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]]], LatoocarfianN -> [freq2,[\a,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\b,[1.0,5],[1.0,5]],[\c,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]],[\d,[0.1,2],[0.1,2]]], LeastChange -> [\in,\in], Limiter -> [\in,[\level,[0.0,1],[0.5,1]],[\dur,[0.01,1],[0.01,0.1]]], LinCongC -> [freq2, [\a,[0.8,1.2],[0.8,1.2]],[\b,[-0.2,0.2],[-0.2,0.2]],[\m,[0.5,1.5],[0.5,1.5]]], LinCongL -> [freq2, [\a,[0.8,1.2],[0.8,1.2]],[\b,[-0.2,0.2],[-0.2,0.2]],[\m,[0.5,1.5],[0.5,1.5]]], //LinCongN -> [freq2, [\a,[0.8,1.2],[0.8,1.2]],[\b,[-0.2,0.2],[-0.2,0.2]],[\m,[0.5,1.5],[0.5,1.5]]], Logistic -> [[\chaosParam, [0.0, 4], [0.0, 4]], freq2, [\init, [0.0,1], [0.0,1]]], LorenzL -> [freq2, [\s, [8.0,12],[8.0,12]], [\r, [20.0,35],[20.0,35]],[\b,2.667],[\h,0.05]], MidEQ -> [\in, freq5, [\rs, [0.01,2],[0.01,1.5]], [\db, [-12,12],[-6,6]]], MoogFF -> [\in, freq1, [\gain, [0.0,4],[0.0,4]]], MostChange -> [\in, \in], //Normalizer -> [\in, [\level, 1], [\dur, [0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]]], OnePole -> [\in, [\coef, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], OneZero -> [\in, [\coef, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Peak -> [\in, \in], PeakFollower -> [\in, [\decay,[0.99,1],[0.99,1]]], Phasor -> [\in, [\rate, [1/44100,1/100],[1/44100,1/100]]], PinkNoise -> [], PitchShift -> [\in, [\windowSize, [0.001,1], [0.001,0.5]], [\pitchRatio, [0.0,4], [0.0,4]], [\pitchDispersion, [0.0,1], [0.0,1]], [\timeDispersion, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], //Pluck -> [\in,\in, [\maxdelaytime, 1],[\delaytime, [0.0,1],[0.1,0.5]],[\decaytime,[-1,1],[0.1,1]],[\coef,[0.1,0.9],[0.1,0.9]]], Pulse -> [freq5,[\width, [0.0,1], [0.2,0.8]]], QuadC -> [freq2,[\a,1],[\b,-1],[\c,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], //QuadL -> [freq2,[\a,1],[\b,[-2,-1],[-2,-1]],[\c,[-1,1],[-1,1]]], QuadN -> [freq2,[\a,1],[\b,-1],[\c,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], RHPF -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.0,2],[0.1,0.8]]], RLPF -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.0,2],[0.1,0.8]]], Ramp -> [\in, lag], Resonz -> [\in, freq5, [\rq, [0.0,2],[0.1,0.8]]], Ringz -> [\in, freq5, [\decaytime, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], RunningMax -> [\in,\in], RunningMin -> [\in,\in], Saw -> [[\freq, [1,2e4],[1,2e4]]], Schmidt -> [\in, [\lo,[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]],[\hi,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], SinOsc -> [freq4,[\phase, [0.0, 2pi], [0.0, 2pi]]], SinOscFB -> [freq5,[\feedback, [0.0, 2pi], [0.0, 2pi]]], Slew -> [\in, [\up, [1/44100,1],[1/44100,1]],[\dn, [1/44100,1],[1/44100,1]]], Slope -> [\in], Spring -> [\in, [\spring,[0.0,8],[0.0,2]],[\damp,[0.0,3],[0.0,1]]], StandardL -> [freq2, [\k, [0.0,2],[0.0,2]]], StandardN -> [freq2, [\k, [0.0,2],[0.0,2]]], SyncSaw -> [freq1, freq1], ToggleFF -> [\in], Trig -> [\in, [\dur,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Trig1 -> [\in, [\dur,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], TwoPole -> [\in, freq1, [\radius, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], TwoZero -> [\in, freq1, [\radius, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], VarSaw -> [freq1, [\iphase, 0], [\width, [0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], Vibrato -> [freq1, [\rate,[0.1,10],[0.1,10]],[\depth,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\delay,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\onset,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\rateVariation,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]],[\depthVariation,[0.0,1],[0.0,1]]], WhiteNoise -> [], Wrap -> [\in, [\lo, [0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]],[\hi,[0.5,1],[0.5,1]]], ZeroCrossing -> [\in] ]; pureList = [ Blip, Dust, Dust2, FBSineC, FBSineL, FBSineN, Impulse, LFClipNoise, LFCub, LFDClipNoise, LFDNoise0, LFDNoise1, LFDNoise3, LFPar, LFPulse, LFSaw, LFTri, Pulse, Saw, SinOsc, SinOscFB ]; // a list of binary operations, infix notation binopList = List[ "*", " excess: ", "+", "-", "%", " ring1: ", " min: ", " max: ", " ring4: ", " difsqr: ", " sumsqr: ", " sqrsum: ", " sqrdif: ", " absdif: ", " amclip: ", " scaleneg: ", " clip2: ", " rrand: ", " round: ", " trunc: ", " hypot: ", " thresh: " ]; } // PARAMS: // nLines -- number of variables in the def // nChan -- output a mix of the last nChan uGens // mingleRate -- probability (0..1) that a uGen input will be another uGen instead of a constant // binopRate -- probability that a given line will be a bin op rather than a uGen // amp -- overall amplitude scaling // experimental -- if true, use .clip, .fold, and .wrap; if false, only use .clip to wrap a uGen input to another uGen // debug -- if true, include a CheckBadValues line wrapped around all channels to catch any bugginess. *newDef { arg nLines = 10, nChan = 4, mingleRate = 0.5, binopRate = 0.5, preferSimpleUgens = 0.1, amp = 1, experimental = false, debug = false; // array for objects var arr = []; // choose a ugen that doesn't require input var toAdd, string, outArray; dict??{MCElectronique.init}; toAdd = MCElectronique.makeClassChoice(preferSimpleUgens); while {dict[toAdd].includes(\in)} {toAdd = MCElectronique.makeClassChoice(preferSimpleUgens)}; arr = arr.add(toAdd); (nLines-1).do {arr = arr.add(MCElectronique.makeClassChoice(preferSimpleUgens))}; string = "{\n\t"; arr.do({ |class,index| var name = class.asString; var args = dict[class]; string = string ++ (binopRate*(index>0).asInteger).coin.if {MCElectronique.binopStr(index)} {MCElectronique.ugenStr(index,name,args,mingleRate,experimental)}; string = string ++ ";\n\t"; }); outArray = ((arr.size-nChan)..(arr.size-1)).collect({|x| "v"++x.asString}).asString; string = debug.if {string++"\n\tCheckBadValues.ar("++(0..(arr.size-1)).collect({|x| "v"++x.asString}).asString++");"} {string}; string = string ++ "\n\tOut.ar(0,"++amp++"*LeakDC.ar(Pan2.ar(Mix.ar(Limiter.ar(" ++ outArray ++ ")))));\n}.play"; ^string; } *makeClassChoice { arg prob; ^[pureList,dict.keys].wchoose([prob,1-prob]).choose; } *binopStr { arg index; var string = "var v"++index++"="; string = string ++ "v" ++ (0.rrand(index-1)) ++ binopList.choose ++ "v" ++ (0.rrand(index-1)); ^string } *ugenStr { arg index, name, args, mingleRate, experimental; var string = "var v"++index++"="++name++".ar("; var controlMethod = experimental.if {["clip","fold","wrap"].choose} {"clip"}; args.do { |argps,index2| argps = argps.value; if(argps == \in) { string = string++"v"++(0.rrand(index-1)); } { if(argps[1].isArray) { var iinput = mingleRate.coin.if {-1.rrand(index-1)} {-1}; if(iinput==(-1)) {string = string++(argps[2][0].rrand(argps[2][1]))} {string = string++"v"++iinput++"."++controlMethod++"("++argps[1][0]++","++argps[1][1]++")"}; } { string = string++(argps[1]) }; }; if(index2<(args.size-1)) {string = string++","}; }; ^string ++ ")"; } }