// title: cumbia dormilona // author: kyv // description: // Ppar two intrument cumbia base. I'm just beginning to learn supercollider so I'm interested in feedback. The synths are modified from what sources on the Internet. // code: ( SynthDef(\bass, { | atk = 0.01, dur = 0.15, freq = 50, amp=0.8 | var env, osc; env = EnvGen.kr( Env.perc( atk, dur-atk, amp, 6 ), doneAction: 2 ); osc = BPF.ar(LFSaw.ar(freq), freq, 2, mul: env) ! 2; Out.ar([0,1],osc); }).add; ) ( SynthDef('wiro', { | amp = 0.1 | var osc, env, noise, out; noise = LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(1),6000); osc = HPF.ar(noise,2000); //env = Line.ar(1, 0, 0.1); env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01,0.05), doneAction: 2); out = (osc * env); Out.ar([0,1],out*amp) }).add; ) ( Ppar([ Pbind( \instrument, \bass, \degree, Pseq([ Pseq([Pn(Pshuf([0,2,4],1),2),Pn(Pshuf([3,5,7],1),2)],2),Pn(Pshuf([-3,-1,1],1),2) ],inf), \dur, Pseq([0.25,0.5,0.25],inf), \legato, Pseq([ Pgeom(0.05, 0.05, 40), Pgeom(2.05, -0.05, 40) ], inf), \octave, 3, \amp, 0.03 ), Pbind( \instrument, \wiro, \dur, Pseq([0.5,0.25,0.25], inf), \legato, Pseq([ Pgeom(0.05, 0.05, 40), Pgeom(2.05, -0.05, 40) ], inf), \amp, 0.05, ) ]).play )