// title: cycloScope // author: LFSaw // description: // listen and see cyclo.id. // code: GUI.cocoa; q = (); Server.default = s = Server.internal; s.waitForBoot{ q.scopeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(s,1024, 2); } // adjust to where you have the files located q.files = "/Users/tboverma/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/cyclo. id/Ryoji Ikeda and Carsten Nicolai/*.aiff".pathMatch; ( q.win = Window.new.front; q.scope = ScopeView(q.win, q.win.view.bounds); q.scope.bufnum = q.scopeBuffer.bufnum; q.scope.resize = 5; q.scope.style_(2); q.scope.waveColors = [Color.green, Color.green]; ) ( q.scopeSynth = SynthDef("monoscope", { arg bufnum; var z; z = In.ar(0 ,2); // ScopeOut writes the audio to the buffer ScopeOut.ar(z, bufnum); }).play( 1, [\bufnum, q.scope.bufnum] , \addAfter // make sure it goes after what you are scoping ); ) // choose file to listen to q.playBuffer = Buffer.cueSoundFile(s, q.files[8], 0, 2); q.player = { DiskIn.ar(2, q.playBuffer.bufnum) }.play;