// title: seeking an Array! // author: josecaos // description: // this code throws a scrambled array of arrays seeking among them for the original array, // It only sounds when it founds it. (may take a while) // the idea started trying a SCtweet, but became with this funny code! // code: (// * //watch the postWindow a=["m","x","f","k","d","p"]; x=Array; y=x.newClear(6); ~mxfkdp=Task({ inf.do({y.put(x.series(6,0,1).choose,a.scramble).postln; 0.03.wait;})}).play; m=fork({inf.do({ "array num:".postcln; if(y[x.series(6,0,1).choose.postcln]==a, {"lo encontraste!/found it!".postcln; 1.do({GVerb.ar( EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(0.01,8),1,doneAction:2)* Blip.ar(XLine.kr(440,1600,8)),50,10,0.02)}.play); ~mxfkdp.stop; m.stop;}, {"buscando.../seeking...".postcln;}); 0.03.wait})}); ); //.SCtweetLong