// title: another primitive arpeggio sequence // author: emergent // description: // trying to improve upon [my previous attempt at making an arpeggiator](http://sccode.org/1-5dm). // code: // More fun with arpeggios in F Major ~prog = [\Fmajor7, \Dm7, \Bbmajor7, \Cdom7] ~chords = ~prog.collect({ arg item, i; ChordSymbol.asDegrees(item, Scale.major)}); // collect the chords into a 2D array p = [0, 2, 1, 3]// new pattern o = [0, 7, 7, 0] ( ~bass = Pbind( \instrument, \default, \octave, 4, \scale, Scale.major, \dur, Pbjorklund2(6, 16) * 0.125, \degree, Pseq( [ Pseq([~chords[0][0]],6), Pseq([~chords[1][0]],6), Pseq([~chords[2][0]]-7,6), Pseq([~chords[3][0]],6), ], inf), \legato, 0.3 ).play; ~chordtest = Pbind( \instrument, \default, \scale, Scale.major, \dur, 0.5, \degree, Pseq( [ Pseq(~chords[0][p] + o, 1), Pseq(~chords[1][p] + o, 1), Pseq(~chords[2][p]-7 + o, 1), Pseq(~chords[3][p] + o, 1), ], inf) ).play; ) ( ~chordtest.stop; ~bass.stop; )