// title: bass wobbles // author: Luka P. // description: // couple of cycles of wobbling bass (as in 'dubstep-wobble'): Saw+Squarewave through a MoogVCF filter. synthDef is 'tempo-agnostic' and there will be problems if you change the tempo (or rather interesting results). needs improvement to be reusable. // code: ( // if you like bass wobbles SynthDef(\wobble, { arg out=0, wflo=1, wfhi=6, decay=0, gate=1, wfmax=8500, freq, iphase; var env = Linen.kr(gate, releaseTime: 0.01, doneAction: Done.freeSelf); var son = MoogVCF.ar( in: ( Pulse.ar([freq * 0.98, freq], mul:0.5) + PinkNoise.ar(LFNoise0.ar(2).range(0, 1.0)) + Saw.ar([freq, freq * 1.025], mul:2) ).clip2(0.5), fco: LFCub.kr( freq:LFPulse.kr(0.25, iphase, width: 0.25).range( wflo, wfhi) ).exprange(40, wfmax), res: 0.4, mul:2 ); Out.ar(out, son * env); }).add; b = Bus.audio(s,2); SynthDef("delayBus", { | outBus = 0, inBus, wet = 0.4 | var input = In.ar(inBus,2); var rev = Greyhole.ar(input * wet, delayTime:0.5, feedback:0.5, diff:0.4, damp:0.5, modDepth:0.8, modFreq:0.3); Out.ar(outBus, input + rev); }).play(s, [\inBus,b]); Pbind( \instrument, \wobble, \legato, 0.98, \out, b, \dur, 4, \wflo, Prand([1,2,3],inf), \wfhi, Prand([4,6,8],inf), \wfmax, Pseq([4,6,3,1,9]*500,inf), \iphase, Prand([0,0.25,0.5,0.75], inf), \degree, Pseq([2,0,-2,-2], 8), \octave, 3, ).play; )