// title: Radio Bursts From A Old Coffee Pot // author: mr_rebop // description: // "High-energy Radio Bursts, generated by an old coffee machine of Arab origin, manifest themselves as noise and audio signals, and trigger a magnetic alteration with unpredictable effects;" // // // // http://bz-buzz.blogspot.com/2018/10/radio-bursts-from-old-coffee-pot.html // // http://bzakirasantjago.blogspot.com/ // code: ( { var trigger, fund, flashInst; flashInst = Array.fill(7, { trigger = Dust.kr(2)*PinkNoise.ar(1); fund = rrand(100, 137); Pan2.ar( Mix.ar( Array.fill(7, {arg counter; var partial; partial = counter + 3; //HenonC.ar(fund*partial).atan * DPW3Tri.ar(fund*partial).atan * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(0.01, 0, 0.1, 7.0), trigger, 1/partial) *AY.ar(713)* max(0, LFNoise1.kr(rrand(37.0, 73.0))) }) )*0.2, 1.0.rand2) }); Mix.ar(flashInst)*0.6 }.play )