// title: Mad Traffic // author: mr_rebop // description: // "It's the lack of eye contact that makes us more idiots, to the point that convertible riders give less to escalation. Closed in the car, explain the psychologists, we regress to childhood and react by shouting, or with that surrogate of the shock that is the horn." // // // // http://bz-buzz.blogspot.com/2018/09/mad-traffic.html // // http://bzakirasantjago.blogspot.it/ // code: ( SynthDef(\madtraffic, {|out, sig, gate=1, freq=440| // doneAction: 2 rilascia la synth quando EvnGen ha finito sig = (Blip.ar(freq)*0.7+Blip.ar(freq/2+Rand(1,12))*0.7) *EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1, 0.3, 0.3), gate, doneAction:2); sig = RLPF.ar(sig,SinOsc.kr(0.3, 0, 200, 1500), 0.1); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \madtraffic, \freq, Pseq([137, 373, Prand([237, 473, 713],1)], inf), \legato, Pseq([1.7, 0.3], inf), \dur, 0.3, \out, Pseq([1, 0], inf) ).play; )