// title: Columbia // author: codepool // description: // Migration from the old SourceForge wiki. // code: s = Server.local; s.boot; ProxySpace.push(s).play; ~out = ~x; s.sendMsg("/b_allocRead", 0, "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); ( ~x = { arg bufnum, trig=0.0, start, rate=1; var x; x = PlayBuf.ar(1, bufnum, rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum), trig, start * BufFrames.kr(bufnum), 1 ); x = Pan2.ar(x, 0); }; ) //start triggering the playbuf: ~x.map(\trig, ~trig); ~trig = { Dust.kr(5) }; ~x.set(\start, 0.5); ~x.map(\start, ~start); ~start = { LFNoise1.kr(0.3, 0.5, 0.5) }; ~x.set(\rate, 0.7); ~x.map(\rate, ~rate); ~rate = { LFPulse.kr(DelayL.kr(~rate.kr, 0.1, 0.1), 0, 0.2, 2.7, 1.1) }; ~rate.add({ LFNoise1.kr(0.2, 0.1) }); ~trig = { Dust.kr(0.3) + Impulse.kr(1) }; ~start = { LFNoise1.kr(0.03, 0.5, 0.5) }; ~out = { BPF.ar(~x.ar * 2, 1600, 0.1) }; ********* /* authors so far: jrh */