// title: Binaural Beats Experiment // author: axl99 // description: // An experimental setup to create files of binaural beats attuned to human brainwave frequencies. // code: s.boot; ( // see this for explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats // Wikipedia says binaural beats occur only below 1500hz of the primary frequency and with // differences of frequencies of under 40hz ~delta = 1; // 0.5 - 2. deep sleep, unsconsciousness ~theta = 5.5; // 4 - 7. Meditative, drowsy, sleeping. Memory, spatial learning ~mu = 9; // 9 - 11. associated with voluntary movement ~alpha = 10; // 7.5 - 12.5. Relaxed states of mind ~beta1 = 14; // 12.5 - 16. Normal waking consciousness ~beta2 = 18; // 16.5 - 20. ~beta3 = 24; // 20.5 - 28 ~gamma = 35; // 32 - 100. Visual awareness, transcendental mental states // extra bonus vibrations: ~schumann1 = 7.83; ~schumann2 = 14.3; ~schumann3 = 20.8; ~schumann4 = 27.3; ~schumann5 = 33.8; // the sound synth SynthDef(\brainwave, {|prime = 200, diff = 10, fade = 15, primetime = 20, difftime = 30, level= 0.4, gate = 1| var freqtransition = VarLag.kr(prime, primetime, 0, \lin); var links = SinOsc.ar(freqtransition); var rechts = SinOsc.ar(freqtransition - VarLag.kr(diff, difftime, 0, \lin)); var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(fade, level, fade), gate, doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, [links, rechts] * env); }).add; ) a = Synth(\brainwave, [\prime, 200, \diff, ~alpha]); a.set(\fade, 20) // set fade out time. The synth is automatically released when faded out a.set(\primetime, 40); // set transition time for primary frequency changes a.set(\difftime, 20); // set transition time for arriving at binaural beat target frequencies a.set(\prime, 100); // set to your favorite freqency. a.set(\diff, ~beta1) // set the desired brainwave frequency ;-) a.release; // fade out and release the synth // here's my 'piece'. It starts at alpha and after 2 minutes slowly goes up to gamma // uncomment the following and choose a path for the resulting file // s.prepareForRecord('/Users/axel/Desktop/binaural.aiff') // now manipulate and run this routine to create a supercharged extra brainwave powered experience 4 free. ( fork { s.record; 1.wait; a = Synth(\brainwave, [\prime, 125.28, \diff, ~alpha]); 160.wait; a.set(\difftime, ~gamma); 60.wait; a.set(\prime, 167.04); 30.wait; a.release; 16.wait; s.stopRecording; }; )