// title: greyhole bits // author: grirgz // description: // Not very original since I copied the bit code from http://schemawound.com/post/58980873930/bitwise and added a greyhole. But it sound so amazing I want to share it =) // code: ( Ndef(\bitshift, { var t = PulseCount.ar(Impulse.ar(8e3)); var sig = HPF.ar( ( ((t * 15) & (t >> 5)) | ((t * 5) & (t >> [3, 4])) | ((t * 2) & (t >> 9)) | ((t * 8) & (t >> 11)) - 3 % 256 ) / 127-1 * 3 , 20 ).distort * 0.2; sig = Greyhole.ar(sig, sig, 0.5, sig).flop.mean/4; }).play; )