// title: Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 4 // author: Bruno Ruviaro // description: // Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. Also adjust duration of events. In this version you don't specify Modulator Frequency directly, but rather you specify the Frequency Ratio. // code: // ************************************ // Frequency Modulation Fun (GUI) // Patch 4 - Using Frequency Ratio // Bruno Ruviaro, 2013-08-12 // ************************************ /* Experiment with frequency modulation by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. Also adjust duration of events. In this version you don't specify Modulator Frequency directly, but rather you specify the Frequency Ratio: // freqRatio = carrFreq / modFreq For example, for carrFreq = 440 Hz and // freqRatio = 2, then modFreq will be set to 220 Hz. Integer freqRatio values will give you harmonic spectra; Non-integer Select all (ctrl + A), then evaluate (ctrl + period). */ s.waitForBoot({ // Envs var ampEnv, carrFreqEnv, modIndexEnv; // EnvelopeViews var evCarrFreq, evModIndex, evAmp; // Sliders var volumeSlider, durationSlider, freqRatioSliderA, freqRatioSliderB, carrFreqSlider, modIndexSlider; // StaticTexts for Frequency Ratio var freqRatioDisplay, freqRatioDisplaySimplified; // Frequency Ratio variables var freqRatioA, freqRatioB, freqRatio; // Custom functions var scaleEnv, updateDisplay, findSimplestRatio, adjustEnv, printEnvData; // Miscellaneous variables var numberOfPoints, timeScale, win, subwin, font, labelColor, windowColor, presetArray, presetButtons, masterOut; /* , , , , , , , , , , freqRatioDisplayAnumber, freqRatioDisplayBnumber, , , , , ; */ /////////////////////////// // Various initializations /////////////////////////// timeScale = 3; // total duration of a "note" numberOfPoints = 8; // how many points in the breakpoint envelopes presetArray = Array.newClear(12); // number of presets freqRatioA = 2; // first number for big display A:B freqRatioB = 1; // second number for big display A:B freqRatio = freqRatioA / freqRatioB; // for actual Synth call font = Font("Verdana", 16, bold: true); labelColor = Color.white; windowColor = Color.grey(0.3); ///////////////////////// // Initialize Envelopes ///////////////////////// carrFreqEnv = Env.new( levels: {1.0.rand}!numberOfPoints, times: ({1.0.rand}!(numberOfPoints-1)).normalizeSum ); modIndexEnv = Env.new( levels: {1.0.rand}!numberOfPoints, times: ({1.0.rand}!(numberOfPoints-1)).normalizeSum ); ampEnv = Env.new( // using 'put' to make sure first and last are 0.0 levels: ({1.0.rand}!numberOfPoints).put(0, 0).put(numberOfPoints-1, 0), times: ({1.0.rand}!(numberOfPoints-1)).normalizeSum ); ////////////////////// // Initialize Windows ////////////////////// Window.closeAll; win = Window.new("Frequency Modulation Fun with Frequency Ratio", Rect(50, 50, 915, 400), resizable: false); win.front; win.background = windowColor; win.alpha = 0.95; // What to do on close (or ctrl+period) win.onClose = {s.freeAll}; CmdPeriod.doOnce({Window.closeAll}); subwin = FlowView.new( parent: win, bounds: Rect(710, 230, 185, 150), margin: 10@10, gap: 10@10; ); /////////////////////////////// // EnvelopeViews (3) /////////////////////////////// evCarrFreq = EnvelopeView(win, Rect(40, 20, 300, 150)) // .thumbWidth_(30.0) // .thumbHeight_(15.0) .setEnv(carrFreqEnv) .drawLines_(true) .selectionColor_(Color.red) .drawRects_(true) .step_(0.01) .keepHorizontalOrder_(true) .action_({arg b; // ["GOT IT", b.value].postln; // evCarrFreq.setString(0, 100.rand.asString); carrFreqEnv.levels = b.value[1]; carrFreqEnv.times = b.value[0].differentiate.drop(1); scaleEnv.value(carrFreqEnv, 50, 1000); }) .thumbSize_(18); evModIndex = EnvelopeView(win, Rect(40, 210, 300, 150)) .setEnv(modIndexEnv) .drawLines_(true) .selectionColor_(Color.red) .drawRects_(true) .step_(0.01) .keepHorizontalOrder_(true) .action_({arg b; modIndexEnv.levels = b.value[1]; modIndexEnv.times = b.value[0].differentiate.drop(1); scaleEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10); }) .thumbSize_(18); evAmp = EnvelopeView(win, Rect(360, 210, 320, 150)) .setEnv(ampEnv) .drawLines_(true) .selectionColor_(Color.red) .drawRects_(true) .step_(0.01) .keepHorizontalOrder_(true) .action_({arg b; ampEnv.levels = b.value[1]; ampEnv.times = b.value[0].differentiate.drop(1); ampEnv.duration_(timeScale); }) .thumbSize_(18); /////////////////////////////// // Sliders (6) /////////////////////////////// // carrFreq carrFreqSlider = Slider(win, Rect(20, 21, 20, 148)) .action_({arg slider; var v = slider.value; carrFreqEnv = Env.new( levels: v!numberOfPoints, // straight line times: (0.1!(numberOfPoints-1)).normalizeSum); evCarrFreq.setEnv(carrFreqEnv); evCarrFreq.action.value(evCarrFreq); // does all the stuff }); // modIndex modIndexSlider = Slider(win, Rect(20, 210, 20, 148)) .action_({arg slider; var v = slider.value; modIndexEnv = Env.new( levels: v!numberOfPoints, // straight line times: (0.1!(numberOfPoints-1)).normalizeSum); evModIndex.setEnv(modIndexEnv); evModIndex.action.value(evModIndex); // does all the stuff }); // freqRatio A freqRatioSliderA = Slider(win, Rect(360, 21, 40, 148)) .action_({arg slider; var a = (slider.value*8+1).round(1).asInteger; // integers only freqRatioA = a; freqRatio = freqRatioA / freqRatioB; updateDisplay.value; }); // freqRatio B freqRatioSliderB = Slider(win, Rect(640, 21, 40, 148)) .action_({arg slider; var b = (slider.value*9+0.1).round(0.1); // may have decimals freqRatioB = b; freqRatio = freqRatioA / freqRatioB; updateDisplay.value; }); // master volume volumeSlider = EZSlider( parent: win, bounds: Rect(830, 10, 50, 170), label: "volume", controlSpec: ControlSpec(-60, 0, \lin, 1, -40, "dB"), action: {|ez| masterOut.set(\amp, ez.value.dbamp)}, unitWidth: 30, labelWidth: 80, layout: 'vert') .setColors( stringColor: labelColor, numNormalColor: Color.black); volumeSlider.numberView.align = \center; volumeSlider.unitView.align = \center; // duration durationSlider = EZSlider( parent: win, bounds: Rect(665, 184, 240, 40), label: "dur", controlSpec: ControlSpec(1, 13, \lin, 0.1, timeScale, "sec"), action: {|ez| timeScale = ez.value; evCarrFreq.action.value(evCarrFreq); evModIndex.action.value(evModIndex); evAmp.action.value(evAmp)}, numberWidth: 35, unitWidth: 30, layout: 'horz') .setColors( stringColor: labelColor, numNormalColor: Color.black); durationSlider.numberView.align = \center; /////////////////////////////// // Static Texts (4) /////////////////////////////// // freqRatio Big Display freqRatioDisplay = StaticText(win, Rect(400, 20, 240, 140)) // .background_(Color.blue) .string_(freqRatioA.asString ++ ":" ++ freqRatioB.asString) .font_(Font("Verdana", 80)) .align_(\center) .stringColor = Color.grey; // freqRatio Small Display (simplest ratio equivalence) freqRatioDisplaySimplified = StaticText(win, Rect(400, 140, 240, 20)) // .background_(Color.blue) .string_(" ") // display empty at initialization .font_(Font("Verdana", 18)) .align_(\center) .stringColor = Color.grey; // Unnamed StaticTexts (labels) StaticText(win, Rect(20, 165, 200, 40)) .string_("Carrier Frequency") .font_(font) .stringColor = labelColor; StaticText(win, Rect(445, 160, 250, 40)) .string_("Frequency Ratio") .font_(font) .stringColor = labelColor; StaticText(win, Rect(20, 355, 250, 40)) .string_("Modulation Index") .font_(font) .stringColor = labelColor; StaticText(win, Rect(360, 355, 250, 40)) .string_("Amplitude Envelope") .font_(font) .stringColor = labelColor; /////////////////////////////// // Buttons (14) /////////////////////////////// // Play Button(win, Rect(710, 21, 100, 147)) .states_([["PLAY", Color.black]]) .action_({ // All Envs arrive here already scaled (levels and times)! // Custom function "scaleEnv" is used elsewhere every time // a change is made (EnvViews or Sliders). Synth.new("freq-mod-with-envs", [ \carrFreqEnv, carrFreqEnv, \freqRatio, freqRatio, \modIndexEnv, modIndexEnv, \ampEnv, ampEnv ]); }) .font_(Font("Verdana", 20)); // 12 Presets presetButtons = Array.fill(12, {arg i; Button(subwin, 30@30) .states_([[i.asString]]) .action_({presetArray[i].value; "Preset % recalled".postf(i); "".postln}); }); // Print current settings Button(subwin, 150@20) .states_([["print current settings"]]) .action_({ "**************************".postln; "**************************".postln; "To save the settings below as a Preset,".postln; "copy all lines and paste them into".postln; "one of the existing preset functions".postln; "For instance,".postln; "".postln; "presetArray[9] = { };".postln; "".postln; "**************************".postln; printEnvData.value; "**************************".postln; }); ////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom functions ////////////////////////////////////////// // This simple custom function just scales an Envelope // to desired ranges (levels, times) so that it is // ready to go when a Synth uses them. scaleEnv = {arg thisEnv, minVal, maxVal; thisEnv.levels = thisEnv.levels.linlin(0, 1, minVal, maxVal); thisEnv.duration_(timeScale); thisEnv.duration_(timeScale); // "scaling done!".postln; }; // Ugly... adjustEnv = {arg anEnv, inMin = 50, inMax = 1000; var anotherEnv = Env.newClear(numberOfPoints); anotherEnv.levels = anEnv.levels.linlin(inMin, inMax, 0, 1); anotherEnv.times = anEnv.times; }; // Find simplest ratio (for display purposes only). // Returns a String to be used directly in freqRatioDisplaySimplified findSimplestRatio = {arg a, b; var test = b.round(0.1).frac; var results; case // b is integer {test==0.0} { var gcd = gcd(a.asInteger, b.asInteger); // if already at simplest possible integer ratio, // display nothing; // else, display simplest integer ratio if(gcd==1, {" "}, { results = [a, b] / gcd; results[0].asString ++ ":" ++ results[1].asString } ); } // b is x.5 {test==0.5} { a = a * 2; b = b * 2; // from above, e.g., 2:1.5 (a:b) becomes 4:3, etc. results = [a, b] / gcd(a.asInteger, b.asInteger); results[0].asString ++ ":" ++ results[1].asString; } // b is non-Integer and non x.5, no simplest ratio available {true} {" "}; }; updateDisplay = { freqRatioDisplay.string = freqRatioA.asString ++ ":" ++ freqRatioB.asString; freqRatioDisplaySimplified.string = findSimplestRatio.value(freqRatioA, freqRatioB); }; // // Initialize very first envelope views (at time of first eval) // evCarrFreq.action.value(evCarrFreq); evModIndex.action.value(evModIndex); evAmp.action.value(evAmp); //////////////// // SynthDefs //////////////// { SynthDef("freq-mod-with-envs", {arg freqRatio; var carrFreq, carrFreqEnv, carrFreqCtl, modFreq, modFreqEnv, modFreqCtl, modIndex, modIndexEnv, modIndexCtl, carrier, modulator, amp, ampEnv, ampCtl; // Note: variable 'numberOfPoints' is // defined at very beginning of the page. carrFreqEnv = Env.newClear(numberOfPoints); carrFreqCtl = \carrFreqEnv.kr(carrFreqEnv.asArray); carrFreq = EnvGen.kr(carrFreqCtl); // A:B = carrFreq:modFreq, thus carrFreq = modFreq * B/A modFreq = carrFreq * freqRatio.reciprocal; modIndexEnv = Env.newClear(numberOfPoints); modIndexCtl = \modIndexEnv.kr(modIndexEnv.asArray); modIndex = EnvGen.kr(modIndexCtl); ampEnv = Env.newClear(numberOfPoints); ampCtl = \ampEnv.kr(ampEnv.asArray); amp = EnvGen.kr(ampCtl, doneAction: 2); modulator = SinOsc.ar(freq: modFreq, mul: modIndex * modFreq); carrier = SinOsc.ar(freq: carrFreq + modulator, mul: amp); Out.ar(0, [carrier, carrier]); }).add; SynthDef(\amp, {arg inbus=0, amp = 0.1; ReplaceOut.ar(inbus, In.ar(inbus, 2) * amp); }).add; // Wait for SynthDefs to be added... s.sync; // Now call the Master Out Synth: masterOut = Synth("amp", [\amp, volumeSlider.value.dbamp], addAction: \addToTail); }.fork; /////////////////////////// //////// 12 PRESETS /////// /////////////////////////// presetArray[0] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715 ],[ 0.294, 0.315, 0.294, 0.294, 0.294, 0.315, 0.294 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 3.7, 3.5, 3.2, 3.1, 2.8, 2.4, 2, 0 ],[ 0.21, 0.252, 0.252, 0.294, 0.231, 0.546, 0.315 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.02, 0.08, 0.2, 0.31, 0.57, 0.97, 0 ],[ 0.588, 0.441, 0.462, 0.294, 0.105, 0.147, 0.063 ]); freqRatio = 2/3; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.15873015873016; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.32539682539683; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 2.1; durationSlider.value = 2.1; }; presetArray[1] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 905, 905, 905, 905, 905, 905, 905, 905 ],[ 0.294, 0.315, 0.294, 0.294, 0.294, 0.315, 0.294 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 3.7, 3.5, 3.2, 3.1, 2.8, 2.4, 2, 0 ],[ 0.21, 0.252, 0.252, 0.294, 0.231, 0.546, 0.315 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 1, 0.58, 0.31, 0.18, 0.09, 0.05, 0 ],[ 0.042, 0.084, 0.231, 0.315, 0.462, 0.504, 0.462 ]); freqRatio = 2/6.4; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.15873015873016; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.6984126984127; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 2.1; durationSlider.value = 2.1; }; presetArray[2] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 1, 0.76, 0.47, 0.29, 0.2, 0.09, 0 ],[ 0, 0.112, 0.24, 0.352, 0.304, 0.256, 0.336 ]); freqRatio = 2/5; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.16666666666667; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.54761904761905; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1.6; durationSlider.value = 1.6; }; presetArray[3] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 1, 0.76, 0.47, 0.29, 0.2, 0.09, 0 ],[ 0, 0.112, 0.24, 0.352, 0.304, 0.256, 0.336 ]); freqRatio = 1/1; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.047619047619048; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.1031746031746; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1.6; durationSlider.value = 1.6; }; presetArray[4] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.98, 1, 0.67, 0.38, 0.18, 0.08, 0 ],[ 0, 0.16, 0.24, 0.4, 0.208, 0.224, 0.368 ]); freqRatio = 3/2; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.3015873015873; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.20634920634921; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1.6; durationSlider.value = 1.6; }; presetArray[5] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.98, 1, 0.67, 0.38, 0.18, 0.08, 0 ],[ 0, 0.16, 0.24, 0.4, 0.208, 0.224, 0.368 ]); freqRatio = 1/2; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.0079365079365079; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.20634920634921; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1.6; durationSlider.value = 1.6; }; presetArray[6] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5, 724.5 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ],[ 0.224, 0.24, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.24, 0.224 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.98, 1, 0.67, 0.38, 0.18, 0.08, 0 ],[ 0, 0.16, 0.24, 0.4, 0.208, 0.224, 0.368 ]); freqRatio = 1/3; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.0079365079365079; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.32539682539683; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1.6; durationSlider.value = 1.6; }; presetArray[7] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 ],[ 0.308, 0.33, 0.308, 0.308, 0.308, 0.33, 0.308 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6 ],[ 0.308, 0.33, 0.308, 0.308, 0.308, 0.33, 0.308 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 1, 1, 0.76, 0.38, 0.18, 0.08, 0 ],[ 0, 0.22, 0.528, 0.352, 0.286, 0.308, 0.506 ]); freqRatio = 2/1.2; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.12698412698413; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.11904761904762; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 2.2; durationSlider.value = 2.2; }; presetArray[8] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 411, 392, 335, 354, 335, 392, 373, 449 ],[ 0.60618556701031, 0.51958762886598, 0.64948453608247, 0.64948453608247, 0.64948453608247, 0.56288659793814, 0.56288659793814 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.8, 2.1, 2.3, 3.4, 6, 5.9, 0 ],[ 0.59393939393939, 0.76363636363636, 1.0606060606061, 0.50909090909091, 0.38181818181818, 0.63636363636364, 0.25454545454545 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.71, 0.74, 0.74, 0.84, 0.75, 0.35, 0 ],[ 0.756, 0.714, 0.63, 0.294, 0.42, 0.378, 1.008 ]); freqRatio = 7/3; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.76984126984127; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.32539682539683; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 4.2; durationSlider.value = 4.2; }; presetArray[9] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 648.5, 601, 667.5, 620, 667.5, 629.5, 648.5, 648.5 ],[ 0.08, 0.06, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.51, 0.14 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 10, 10, 10, 9.7, 10, 10, 3.8, 0 ],[ 0.13, 0.09, 0.12, 0.16, 0.19, 0.09, 0.22 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.73, 0.7, 0.57, 0.48, 0.21, 0.8, 0 ],[ 0.03, 0.21, 0.18, 0.18, 0.05, 0.22, 0.13 ]); freqRatio = 8/3; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.83333333333333; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.32539682539683; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1; durationSlider.value = 1; }; presetArray[10] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 800.5, 800.5, 800.5, 800.5, 800.5, 800.5, 800.5, 800.5 ],[ 0.14, 0.15, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.15, 0.14 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 5.1, 4.9, 3.9, 3.6, 3.7, 2.6, 1.2, 1.2 ],[ 0.05, 0.08, 0.09, 0.07, 0.21, 0.33, 0.17 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.82, 0.7, 0.57, 0.48, 0.41, 0.32, 0 ],[ 0.02, 0.22, 0.18, 0.18, 0.12, 0.14, 0.14 ]); freqRatio = 3/2; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.23809523809524; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.20634920634921; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 1; durationSlider.value = 1; }; presetArray[11] = { carrFreqEnv = Env.new([ 506, 211.5, 287.5, 990.5, 990.5, 933.5, 192.5, 50 ],[ 0.69, 0.48, 0.3, 0.18, 0.27, 0.63, 0.45 ]); modIndexEnv = Env.new([ 6.6, 1.9, 7.4, 2.9, 0.5, 2.4, 1.2, 1.2 ],[ 0.66, 0.18, 0.54, 0.09, 0.54, 0.48, 0.51 ]); ampEnv = Env.new([ 0, 0.94, 0.93, 1, 1, 0.84, 0.71, 0 ],[ 0.27, 0.54, 0.66, 0.84, 0.24, 0.27, 0.18 ]); freqRatio = 6/1; freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = 0.57142857142857; freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = 0.095238095238095; evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv)); evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10)); evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv); timeScale = 3; durationSlider.value = 3; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: "Print Current Settings" /////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// printEnvData = { ("carrFreqEnv = Env.new(" ++ carrFreqEnv.levels ++ "," ++ carrFreqEnv.times ++ ");").postln; ("modIndexEnv = Env.new(" ++ modIndexEnv.levels ++ "," ++ modIndexEnv.times ++ ");").postln; ("ampEnv = Env.new(" ++ ampEnv.levels ++ "," ++ ampEnv.times ++ ");").postln; ("freqRatio = " ++ freqRatioA ++ "/" ++ freqRatioB ++ ";").postln; ("freqRatioSliderA.valueAction = " ++ freqRatioSliderA.value ++ ";").postln; ("freqRatioSliderB.valueAction = " ++ freqRatioSliderB.value ++ ";").postln; "evCarrFreq.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(carrFreqEnv));".postln; "evModIndex.setEnv(adjustEnv.value(modIndexEnv, 0, 10));".postln; "evAmp.setEnv(ampEnv);".postln; ("timeScale = " ++ timeScale ++ ";").postln; ("durationSlider.value = " ++ timeScale ++ ";").postln; }; }); // end of block