// title: lazerdrone // author: Callum Goddard // description: // A lazer sound then a drone with morse-code like bleeps. A byproduct of testing the triggering algorithm in the mono2eN SynthDef. // code: s.boot; ( SynthDef("lazerdrone", { var in, freq, hasFreq; in = SinOsc.ar(440 * LFSaw.kr(100, 1000)); # freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr( in, ampThreshold: 0.09, median: 1); freq = freq * hasFreq; //freq.poll; SinOsc.kr(freq).poll; Out.ar(0, in + SinOsc.ar(440, 0, Clip.kr( SinOsc.kr(freq), 0) ) ); }).play; )