// title: tired pads // author: xffff // description: // knackered // code: // this is what I write when I didn't sleep last night.. zzzzzz // easy subsynth with dynklank and simple scale ( fork{ loop{ var time; time = 5.rand; { var sound, freqs, envs, rings, numvoices, env; numvoices = 40; freqs = {(Scale.major(\just).degrees+26+ (0,12..110).choose).choose}.dup(numvoices).midicps; rings = {1.0.rand}.dup(numvoices); envs = { EnvGen.kr(Env.linen( time/3.0.rand, time/3.0.rand, time/3.0.rand, 1.0.rand ) ) }.dup(numvoices); sound = PinkNoise.ar(numvoices.reciprocal!2); sound = DynKlank.ar(`[freqs,envs,rings], sound ); sound = sound * EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(time.rand,time/3,time.rand),doneAction:2); sound = HPF.ar(sound, 120); 4.do{sound = DelayC.ar(sound, 0.4, [0.4.rand,0.4.rand], 1/8, sound) }; //good call - lets turn this down sound*0.2; }.play; time.rand.wait; } } )