// title: danger loud click // author: alln4tural // description: // can anyone tell me what the loud click is, and how to control it? // // i kind of really like it, but it sounds scary, // // and the resulting waveform is bizarre, too. // // [http://soundcloud.com/tengototen/m-chtegern-ikeda](http://soundcloud.com/tengototen/m-chtegern-ikeda) // // // update: some discussion, and lots of interesting things to try out, [on the list](http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/dynamic-chebyshev-td7577560.html). // code: // proceed with caution. start at min volume, and not with your expensive speakers. fork{b=Buffer.alloc(s,512,1);inf.do{b.cheby({[1,0].choose}!2);{(Shaper.ar(b,SinOsc.ar(55,0,Line.kr(1,0,2,1,0,2))))!2}.play;0.1.wait;}};