// title: Re: Recursion-toy-like vines with Pen // author: vividsnow // description: // some simple sonification of [1-14](http://sccode.org/1-14) // code: ( t = Bus.audio(Server.default, 2); SynthDef(\gr, { |freq = 300, mod_freq = 300, amp = 1, amp_freq = 1| Out.ar(t, PMOsc.ar(Lag.kr(freq), Lag.kr(mod_freq), 2, mul: SinOsc.ar(amp_freq, mul: Lag.kr(amp * AmpCompA.kr(freq))) ) ! 2) }).add; { Out.ar(0, Limiter.ar(In.ar(t, 2))) }.play; ) ( var win, view; var run = true; q = (); q.branches = List[]; q.minWanderStep = 1.0184; q.maxWanderStep = 0.1702; q.minGrowthRate = 10.6214; q.maxGrowthRate = 11.8251; q.minShrinkRate = 0.99656; q.maxShrinkRate = 0.91265; q.branchProbability = 0.05; q.minDivergence = 1.3268; q.maxDivergence = 1.3885; q.maxConcurrent = 50; q.numBranches = 6; q.minRadius = 0.15; q.maxRadius = 70; q.makeBranch = { arg env, x, y, theta, radius, scale = 1.0, generation = 1; ( sy: Synth(\gr), x: x, y: y, ox:x, oy: y, x1: nil, x2: nil, y1: nil, y2: nil, scale: 1.0, theta: theta, oTheta:theta, radius:radius, generation:1, growing:true, age:0, wanderStep: rrand(q.minWanderStep, q.maxWanderStep), growthRate: rrand(q.minGrowthRate, q.maxGrowthRate), shrinkRate: rrand(q.minShrinkRate, q.maxShrinkRate), fRender: { arg that, context; var scale, radius; if(that.growing, { scale = that.scale; radius = that.radius * scale; // Draw outline Pen.line(that.ox@that.oy,that.x@that.y); // not in qt... if((GUI.scheme == "CocoaGUI") and: (radius > 5.0), { Pen.setShadow(1@1, scale, Color.new(0,0,0,0.05)); }); Pen.width = radius + scale; Pen.strokeColor = Color.black; Pen.capStyle = 1; //round Pen.stroke(); // Draw fill Pen.line(that.ox@that.oy, that.x@that.y); Pen.width = radius; Pen.strokeColor = Color.white; Pen.capStyle = 1; //round Pen.stroke(); }); }, fUpdate: { arg that; var theta, scale, radius, branch, offset; if(that.growing, { that.ox = that.x; that.oy = that.y; that.oTheta = that.theta; that.theta = that.theta + rrand(that.wanderStep * -1, that.wanderStep); that.x = that.x + (cos(that.theta) * that.growthRate * that.scale); that.y = that.y + (sin(that.theta) * that.growthRate * that.scale); that.scale = that.scale * that.shrinkRate; if( (q.branches.size < q.maxConcurrent) and: (1.0.rand < q.branchProbability), { offset = rrand(q.minDivergence, q.maxDivergence); theta = that.theta + (offset * [1,-1].choose); scale = that.scale * 0.95; radius = that.radius * scale; branch = q.makeBranch( that.x, that.y, theta, radius, scale); branch.generation = that.generation + 1; q.branches.add(branch); }); that.age = (that.age + 1); // Change freq //that.sy.set(\freq, sqrt(that.ox.squared + that.ox.squared).linlin(0,sqrt(350.squared * 2),50,350)); that.sy.set(\freq, that.ox.linlin(0,350,10,550)); that.sy.set(\mod_freq, that.oy.linlin(0,350,10,550)); that.sy.set(\amp, that.radius.linlin(0.15,70,0.1,1)); that.sy.set(\amp_freq, that.age.reciprocal); if((that.radius * that.scale) <= q.minRadius, { that.growing = false; that.sy.free; }); }) } ) }; q.makeRecursion = { arg env; ( //started: false, fReset: { q.branches.do{|i| i.sy.free; }; }, fSpawn: { arg env, x, y; var theta, radius; q.branches = List[]; q.numBranches.do{ arg i; theta = (i / q.numBranches) * 2pi; radius = q.maxRadius; q.branches.add(q.makeBranch(x, y, theta - (pi/2), radius)); } }, fUpdate: { arg env; var index; var numBranches = q.branches.size; q.branches.do{ arg branch, i; branch.fUpdate; branch.fRender; }; //strip dead branches numBranches.do{ |i| index = numBranches - (i + 1); if(q.branches[index].growing.not, { q.branches.removeAt(index); }) } } ) }; r = q.makeRecursion; r.fSpawn(350,350); win = Window("grow! (click to restart)", Rect(10, 10, 700, 700)); win.onClose = { r.fReset; run = false; }; view = UserView(win, 700@700).drawFunc_({ r.fUpdate }).clearOnRefresh_(false).mouseDownAction_({ |v,x,y| view.clearDrawing; r.fReset; r.fSpawn(x,y) }); win.front; { while { run } { win.refresh; 0.05.wait } }.fork(AppClock) )